
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Getting Into Holiday Mode


"Failure is unimportant. It takes courage to make a fool of yourself." (Charlie Chaplin)


Hello, my lovely friends! 


    Even though we're a few days away from the official start of autumn, it already feels like fall here. Mother Nature is treating us to perfect weather. It's around 75 degrees and sunny, but there's a refreshing coolness in the air. I'm loving it!


    This weather is ideal for tackling some yard work and preparing for the winter months. The timing for winterizing our sprinklers is always a bit tricky. We try to hold off as long as possible, but with snow already falling in the mountains (like the foot at Pike's Peak a few days ago), we might need to do it within the next two weeks. I want to have the sprinklers winterized before the first frost hits.


      I was bringing out the Christmas decorations that we got from Costco the other day and my mom announced how excited she was to decorate the inside for Halloween. I think this weekend I’ll bring up those boxes. The good thing is that we don’t have many to bring up maybe five or six bins because the rest is for outside and we’re not decorating this year. I always feel rushed trying to put the yard to sleep and decorate for Halloween. I really need to organize my time better for that and I have a year to think about how to do that.


      When I start thinking about the holidays I realize that normal blogs will be ending in a couple of weeks and the holiday ones start. I’m going to do five days of holiday blogs and one day of catch-up blogs, maybe the Tuesday blog will be the chatty one. I am excited about holiday blogs. 


So glad you could stop by! Wishing you a splendid rest of your day/evening/morning, wherever you may be.

Until next time! Adios...







  1. Have to admit . . . . LOVE your holiday blogs! Have a few Halloween decorations ready to go, but taking time to wrap my head around the changes in weather and season ahead. We've had lovely weather, too. Spoiled, but . . . . enjoying it.

    Here's to a good weekend. Starting to winterize outside, too.


    1. That's great to hear! I'm so happy you're enjoying the holiday blogs. Halloween decorations are always fun to put up. I hope you have a great time getting your home ready for the season. It's definitely a good time to start winterizing, especially with the weather being so nice.

      Have a fanstastic day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. It's Kathy. My son just hiked to the top of Pike's Peak last week. Said he got 44,000 steps. He took some awesome photos. It's not cool here - going to be in the 80's for the next several days, and humid. The windows will be closed soon and the A/C turned on. Still waiting for fall!!!

    1. That's fantastic! Hiking to the top of Pike's Peak is a huge accomplishment. 44,000 steps is a lot of work, and the photos are sure to be amazing. I'm glad he had a great time.

      It sounds like the weather is starting to warm up there. It's definitely still summer here, so I can understand why you're looking forward to fall. Hopefully it will cool down soon!

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))


Yesterday's Blog

It's All About Me #26

“Gnome and elf and fairy, Witch and ghost make merry On this last of dear October’s days.” (Lettie C. Van Derveer)   Hello my lovel...

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