
Friday, July 12, 2024

All About Me #18

 "Don't be your own worst critic. Wipe away those negative thoughts. Be kind to yourself!" (Denise Austin)

Hello, my lovely friends! 


    We're back with little unknown facts about me. You might know some or not. Let us all know little things about you. 

1. I do things with the number six in mind. My lucky number is six. I was born on the six and every since I could remember I do things with a six. Even now if the numbers for a lotto add or subtract to equal six only then will I buy a ticket.

2. When I buy something I like beauty products or household items anything that you can open and smell or test I grab towards the back of the shelf because lots of people open the front products.

3. I dislike onions A LOT! When I was teething my Grandma had me naw on an onion, YUCK! I have never liked onions. My Mom would have to make a separate dish without onions for me. However, I'm a huge fan of onion rings, but only if I don't see the onion when I bite into it. If I do I will pull the whole onion out and only eat the battered part. Mike is the same way about onions and onion rings.

4. I've seen the Rocky Horror Picture show at least 300 times, no kidding. At least half of those times were at the midnight showings at the theater. It's a crazy, whacked out movie, but I love it.

5. I'm a huge WWE fan ever since I could walk or talk. My Dad use to watch it on Sunday mornings and I would sit and watch it with him. I still watch every Monday and Friday nights.

6. When I was little I was so obsessed with Michael Jackson that I talked my Mom into letting me get a perm so I could wear my hair all curly. I knew all the dances in his music videos by heart. Once my parents video-taped me doing the whole Thriller video dance, but erased. Whew! That one won't come back to haunt me.  

Six bet you didn't know facts about me. I think its neat to find out weird quirky stuff that you may or may not know about me. 

Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios…

Yesterday's Blog

It's All About Me #26

“Gnome and elf and fairy, Witch and ghost make merry On this last of dear October’s days.” (Lettie C. Van Derveer)   Hello my lovel...

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