
Sunday, March 10, 2024

Making it Spicy


"Find something you're passionate about and keep tremendously interested in it." (Julia Child)


Hello, my lovely friends!


     While I’m typing up some things I’m watching, “Julie & Julia”. I love this movie so much! Every time I watch it I always think about cooking through a cookbook because I know I would love to do that. How many of you feel the same way? The problem is I have so many cookbooks that how can I choose just one book? Do I pick something simple that’s an everyday cookbook? Or something from a favorite chef or cook? Do I pick a cuisine style? Or is this a crazy idea? This pops into my head every time I watch this. Hey, if we’re spending more time at home right now why not?


     The one thing I really want to get better at is Mexican cooking. My grandma was a great cook and her Mexican food was something to talk about. Actually everything she cooked was amazing, maybe not everything. I did mention the infamous cherry pie that she forgot to take the pits out. I love that story and it brings a smile and a laughter to everyone when we think of it. Back to the cooking I would love to master her recipes. Her chicken mole, tamales and so much more. Maybe I don’t cook through a cookbook, but I put together a family cookbook. There are recipes that my mom and aunt make that we all love, but no one every writes them down. I have one of those blank cookbooks that you write in your recipes that could work. I know my nephew, Kyle loves cooking and he talks about wanted to know the recipes that we all talk about. Maybe we can put a book together for his birthday in November.


     I just finished my movie and now I’m watching, “Tortilla Soup” another food movie. It’s like the quote above be passionate about something you love and I love cooking. Too bad late night because now I want to cook something. All this talk about food and cooking, are you hungry yet?


 Had lots of jalapenos and decided to make salsa. I love salsa! When we go grocery shopping and we’re picking snacks my mom will always go to cookies and me it’s salty things or salsa.


Simple Salsa

2 jalapenos

3 Roma tomatoes

½ onion

1 garlic clove

1 cup of cilantro



First things is to heat your Comal (griddle) this is what Latin families call it. It’s what we use to heat up tortillas or chare veggies on. I’m going to put my jalapenos. Tomatoes, onion and garlic clove on it and get a good char on all sides.


After that I’m going to throw everything into a blender until smooth. You can blend it less if you like it chunky. I like it smooth with a little chunkiness because I’m not an onion fan.


I found a low salt tortilla chips from the grocery store. You could also make your own out of corn tortillas. If you don’t like it spicy I would use only one jalapeno, but these weren’t that spicy and so I used two of them.


This will keep in the fridge for about a week, but it doesn’t last that long in there. Yum!


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!


  1. Oh, do get your family cookbook made while you have access to everyone's recipes. My grandmother past and I was too young to bother and her recipe for crab apple jelly is lost forever as is her one for chervil soup. I am grateful that I have a few of hers but really am sorry that those are lost. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

    1. My aunt has some of my grandma's recipes and I would love to get then. I need to get those.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. A cookbook filled with family recipes would be a spectacular gift for everyone, whether they cook or not.
    So much family history. 📖🤗💖

    1. I think my nephew would love that since he loves cooking.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Ohhhh, love salsa on my juevos rancheros! Am keeping your recipe! I like a little heat, too. YUM.

    Oh yes, love Julie and Julia. Have seen it several times.

    A cookbook for your nephew Kyle would be awesome! Did that for my DS several years back (he’s a chef!) and he loves all the old family recipes from both grandmas. They are delicious!


    1. I love heat. I think the cookbook will be a wonderful gift for my nephew.

      I love that movie so much.

      Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. It's Kathy. I love the idea of a Family Cookbook. My grandmother wasn't much of a cook - but she did make a lot of Norwegian dishes. My mom also made some of them but she never wrote down the recipes. I have a few of the things she made. I'm not much of a cook. I try new things all the time but I usually don't like them! All three of my daughters seem to love cooking - weird when I, their mom, isn't a fan!

  5. Since my Grandma's gone I think about it a lot. I need to get my mom's and aunt's recipes down too.

    Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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