
Thursday, February 8, 2024

A Great Birthday


"Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health." (Julia Child)


Hello, my lovely friends!


     My birthday week is just amazing, maybe one of the better ones in years. I had the theater on Saturday and then a quiet day at home on Sunday and Monday. I had such a great time on my birthday. On Twitter everyone was amazing and the posts went on all day and night. So many wonderful things were said. They had me crying over there. I felt like it was a job trying to thank everyone that day. We did head over to Costco to get a cake and found a cheesecake. Yum! I loved my birthday and all the celebrations online from everyone and you ladies are amazing!


     We were supposed to go to IKEA that day, but my mom had a rough night and wanted to sleep some more. Our plan is to go today there. There’s nothing I really want there, but I always go around my birthday because I enjoy looking at everything. I’ll probably get some kitchen stuff like I always do. Of course have to do lunch there with the Swedish meatballs.


     Today is our last day of beautiful weather because the snow and cold is coming back. It going to start late tonight and will snow for the next couple of days. It might be a decent amount of snow too. I have to recharge the batteries to have them ready. At least this week we don’t have to go out in the storm to the theater. 


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!



     Some good news, my sister is trying to come out to visit for a couple of weeks. That will bring my mom’s spirits up. My mom always is making plans to go out there in the summer and will go visit her sister. I hope this happens because I need a vacation too.

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