
Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I Need To Explain Myself


"There is only so much energy available to us in life. Spending it on solving problems is one possible way of living your life, but this may leave you empty-hearted; spending it on what excites you is a lot more fulfilling and fun - and effortless; and usually, the previously experienced problems vanish on their own. We don't have to battle against the darkness when all we need to do is turn on the light." (Andrea Moritz)


Hello, my lovely friends!


      First off I need to apologize for being lazy with the blogs or having no blogs for days. You know I never do this and it’s been frequent this past year. I’m working on getting back into the swing of things, but it looks like I hit a wall on the blogs. I just have no motivation to do a lot of things and I need to get out of my funk. Thank you for letting me have last week off. I had no idea what to do or could even think of something.


      There is nothing bad going on that is making me have no motivation, I just don’t have it. So, I’m going to start going back to basics with everything and getting my mojo back because I hate feelings this way, We all know when you get sluggish and just don’t want to do anything at all, that’s where I’m at. I don’t even have motivation to plant the garden, but I finally put all the plants I bought into pots and put the lettuce seeds in the containers. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get something out of the plants this year.


      There’s something I got done. I know a big part of my lack of motivation is my knee. It was doing really well and then I turned and it hurt. I have an appointment to go get it looked at in a few weeks. The brace is back on and I baby my knee maybe too much, I think that is a big reason I’m not doing much, I’m blaming my knee and probably should just suck it up and get that knee moving. My goal is to get on the treadmill a few times a week to start building the strength back up in my knee and do the exercises they gave me when I went in a few months back.


      How y’all loving this heat that so many of u are getting? It’s been crazy hot here, but then it cools down a lot at night. It’s almost as if we’re turning into a desert in here, very hot all day and cold at night. I wouldn’t be surprised with all the dry heat we have. Even Scooter isn’t a fan, he runs out, does his thing, and runs right back in. My poor little guy is starting to get slow and I’m now happy about that it makes me sad. I know it’s part of life, but I’d love for him to be around five to ten more years. Sim I;m making his food again and he’s taking his pills to keep him healthy.


      My mom seems to be doing better. She is still slow and that’s just the way its going to be from now on. She did get a shot in her knee and it was feeling better, but the pain came back after three weeks. So we’re making another appointment as soon as we can. If this keeps working for her she might not have to get another replacement on the other knee. She’s also doing well with her numbers and losing some weight.


      Things with Mike are going great. We’ve really hit it off and our connection is strong. We have some plans for the future, but not going to talk about that yet.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios…

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