
Friday, February 2, 2024

So Much to Think About


"Every day is a new opportunity. You can build on yesterday's success or put its failures behind and start over again. That's the way life is, with a new game every day, and that's the way baseball is." (Bullet Bob Feller)


Hello, my lovely friends!


    I hope that everything is going good for all of you. Things are going okay here, but I’m working through things.


        On the other hand, our weather has been amazing here. Mother Nature must have locked up Jack Frost because we’ve been in the 50’s and even hit a 60’s. It’s been more spring-like weather than winter, but don’t worry Jack Frost is being let out of his cage and coming back this weekend starting today. Of all weekend for the snow and cold to come back we’re going to the theater on Sunday to see Chicago. Hopefully the snow won’t be so bad.


        Our house is finally back to normal with all the Christmas packed up and back in the basement. It always looks empty when we take everything down, but that’s the way it is all year long. Now we can start tackling those things that I want to get in the house. This coming week I’m going to take everything out of the pantry and give it a deep clean. This way all those little things I can get done it’ll be easier once spring hits to get the garden started. Last year I started so late, but still had a good harvest, I just wanted to get more done.


        So, I have a male friend who has been there since we were in high school. He is probably one of my closest friends and through the years we’ve dated here and there, but nothing serious. Well, last Saturday a few of us got together to watch the WWE Royal Rumble. After it was over he stayed over a little longer after everyone left. We had a nice talk about nothing special, but then he asks me to marry him. I was shocked and very surprised by it. It’s all I’ve been thinking about all week. He fits all the boxes, but I just don’t know. I don’t know if I want that big of a change in my life now. I used to want it, but now that I’m older I’m not sure if I want that.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!

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