
Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Little Time


Hello, my lovely friends!


      So, this is the blog I’ve been dreading doing, but for some time I knew it was coming. I tried fighting it, but here we are. It is with a heavy heart that I decided to take some time off from blogging, not leaving just taking some time away.


      I know you’ve all noticed that my blogs have been hit or miss this year and I’ve been taking lots of days off. There’s been a lot going on personally with the drinking, my mom’s health, and relationships with friends and a lot of a lot. I just feel the need to step away and just get my groove back into doing this. I’ve been blogging daily for well over ten years and I guess burnout has finally hit me. I would never leave the blog completely because you ladies mean so much to me and we have become a little sisterhood. Plus it’ll be the holidays before you know it and I have to blog those right?


      So, my plan is to take off until June 14th because I have something special happening the day before that I want you all to see. I’ll still be over on Facebook doing my thing and will announce when I’m coming back on the team page. I’ll also still post in other people’s blogs.


Thank you for understanding. I love you ladies!

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk soon…

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Strawberry Lemonade

“When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste.”   (Laiko Bahrs,)   Hello, my lovely friends!            ...

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