
Thursday, May 9, 2024

Get Rid of the Negative Things


"Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out." (Robert Tew)


Hello, my lovey friends!  


Today let's talk about those negative things in life that you have to let go because we all have some of that stuff. I have a top five of things that you need to get out of your life in order to rid negative things that bring you down.


1. Drop the negative people in your life ~ I know I say this a lot but it can works wonders for you. Think about those feelings of dread you get when you're around that person. When you're going somewhere they'll be at and you would rather not go because of the way they make you feel. If they make you feel bad get them out or avoid them when you can. You don't need that in your life.


2. Stop caring about what mistakes you made in the past ~ so many of us live in our past and for some reason can't let go. We allow it to eat at us over and over. You cannot move forward if you allow the past to beat you up you will always repeat the same thing over and over again.


3. Stop with the negative talk about yourself ~ I'm sure we all allow those negative words to cloud things in our lives and that ends up destroying things we are trying to do. Be conscious of the negative things you say to yourself or thinking. Find ways to be more positive towards yourself


4. Stop feeling sorry for yourself ~ things in life sucks and we sometimes let them get the best of us, but they do not define who we are. You always have a choice in life, to be negative or pick yourself up and forge a new path.


5. Learn to say "No" instead of "Yes" to everything ~ we spread ourselves to thing because we think we have to say yes to everything that is asked of us. You can say no and when you do the world will not end.


Those are my top five things you need to find a way to stop in order to have a more positive life. 



Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon…

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