
Friday, October 4, 2024

It's All About Me #26

“Gnome and elf and fairy,
Witch and ghost make merry
On this last of dear October’s days.”
(Lettie C. Van Derveer)


Hello my lovely friends!


    Here we are in the Halloween holiday season and for this Friday Funday let’s talk some scary facts. Let us know about things that happened to you during Halloween.


1. Back in the day, when I was a fifth-grade Pippi Longstocking wannabe, Halloween was everything. My sister and her best friend were my fairy godmothers, helping me transform into the freckle-faced, pigtail-sporting icon. We rigged up a wire contraption in my hair to give my braids that extra oomph. I rocked that costume so hard, I won our school's Halloween contest! The grand prize? A trip downtown for the citywide costume showdown. I didn't take home the trophy, but man, the memories were priceless.


2. I’m not a fan of giant faces staring down at me. You know, like those HUGE statues that think they're all that. The Statue of Liberty? Nah, I’m good with a view from the mainland, thanks. Remember that time we went to Mount Rushmore as kids? I was cool until we stumbled into that museum with a life-size model. Talk about a face-off I didn't need!


3. Speaking of towering terrors, when I was a kid, our local mall had a toy store that was a nightmare for me. Imagine this: a colossal, stuffed mouse, bigger than a person, looming over the entrance. It was a monster of plush, with beady eyes that seemed to follow you, and a tail that could probably trip a grown man. I’d do anything to avoid that store, from burying my face in my dad’s shoulder to full-on meltdowns. It was the stuff of childhood nightmares.


4. I'm a big fan of watching horror movies in complete darkness. It's like a rule: no lights, no matter who's watching with me. Especially those old classics – they just need that spooky ambiance.

The darkness amplifies the tension, makes the scares more gut-wrenching, and immerses you in the story. It's the only way to truly appreciate the genre.


5. I’m perfectly fine diving headfirst into the bloodiest slasher flicks without batting an eye. But the moment a character so much as nicks themselves with a knife, I’m squeamish. I don't know why, but the sight of a blade slicing through skin just grosses me out. All the other gruesome ways bad guys can meet their end are cool with me, but give me a knife-to-skin moment, and I’m out!


6. I’m a huge Stephen King fan and can’t get enough of his books. I’ve reread many of them countless times. Unfortunately, the movies often fall short for me. I remember reading Pet Sematary in middle school and absolutely loving it. When the movie came out in high school, a group of friends and I went to see it. Only three of us had actually read the book. Needless to say, we were disappointed by the movie. It felt like so much was missing, especially in terms of character development. Even though I’m not a big fan of the King movies, I still have quite a few of them, including some of the classic miniseries.


May this season be filled with haunted houses, pumpkin patches, and plenty of spooky surprises.

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Yesterday's Blog

It's All About Me #26

“Gnome and elf and fairy, Witch and ghost make merry On this last of dear October’s days.” (Lettie C. Van Derveer)   Hello my lovel...

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