
Friday, May 24, 2024

All About Me #13


"Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." (From A.A. Milne's Winnie the Pooh)


Hello, my lovely friends!


        You know the drill, it’s Friday Funday! Im already on #13 and Ive told you lots of different things about me. What more could I tell you? Im sure Ill figure out lots of things. Since we have the little man as a hero, lets talk about all the animals in my life through the years. 


1. Our first dog was a German Shepard named Charlie. I don’t remember much about him because I was three, he was more my sisters dog. I believe someone stole him from our backyard and we never got him back.


2. By the time I was around six or seven we got a new dog when my parents bought our first house. They took us to the shelter and we were able to pick a dog and we found a black poodle and named her Buffy. She was with us until I was around fifteen and passed away.


3. I then went through a goldfish phase. First it started with a small fish bowl and then it would get bigger until we had a tank. I could have lots of goldfish in there. I did name them all because why not? Whenever one of them would die I would find a small box and bury it in the backyard. How crazy it must have been to the people who bought our house if they dug up the yard and find little boxes with a dead fish in it.


4. When I turned 17 I asked for a cat for my birthday. Once again we went to our local shelter to look for a cat. The only thing I was looking for was a black cat. I walked around tapping all the windows and not one cat was having a reaction to me, but then this black and white cat was there and when I tapped on the window he jumped up and wanted to play. This was the cat I wanted and I picked him We were told that a couple just came in about an hour earlier an gave him up. It was meant to be. I named him Rio after my favorite Duran Duran album I had him for nearly ten years, he got feline leukemia and I had to put him down.


5. After Rio passed I didn’t want a new pet and didnt have one for ten years. Then one day while at home someone tried to break into the house and knew I needed a dog. We went to the shelter looking and it took a few visit until we found the right dog and there she was. Miss Bella, our beagle. She was found on the street by someone and they brought her to the shelter. She was moved around to different shelters. They didnt want her to go to a family with kids because she was a scared dog. We had Bella for ten years. She passed away in December of 2017, the same year as my dad from old age. Her body just started shutting down and we had to put her down.


6. In March of 2018 I knew we needed a dog because it was just me and my mom. We looked at a couple of places, but nothing caught our eye. Then one night while looking online there was this big dog that sounded just like Bella, no kids, found on the streets and very scared. I took it as a sign from Bella that this was the dog for us. We go the next day to look at the dog and someone else was already in there. A little old lady was holding this tiny dog and he didn’t move from her lap. We were waiting to see the other dog and decided to look at this cutie while we waited. Well, that cutie came in did a little hula walk and I melted. This was the dog for us and that was Scooter. I considered naming him Hamilton, after F1 driver Lewis Hamilton, but Scooter fits him.


        So those are all the animals I’ve had up to now. Were considering getting a second dog, but not sure how Scoots will like it. What animals did you have growing up?


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

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