
Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Future of the Blog


Hello, my lovely friends!


     It’s been quote the couple of days and months to be honest. I’ve told you some things here and there the past month and I have to admit I’ve kept a really big part of what’s going on from you all. So, this blog I’m going to bare my soul to you all.


     You all know the problems that I’ve been going through with my online friend that we’re no longer friends. My emotions and depression has come in full force. I’ve allowed some demons that have been sitting dormant for so long. So, I threw away years of sobriety and fell off the wagon. I have been having a drinking pretty much every night. It started with a wine cooler, then a glass of wine and then it went to a bottle of wine. Less than two weeks ago I had seven margaritas and a bottle of wine in three hours. I knew this was a problem and the next day decided to end the madness and go to my first AA meeting in years.This is why the blogs have been all over the place and sometimes not at all. I haven’t had a drink since that time and have went to an AA meeting every day.


     So, this is what has been going on with me this past month. I’m so sorry I failed and let things fall apart and I’m truly sorry. I’m doing good right now and feeling good about everything that is going on. I’m working my program and not looking back.


     What does this mean for the blog? You know I’m not going anywhere, but there will be some changes. I can no longer do six days a week, its too much for me right now. I can do five days a week. I will take Wednesdays and Saturdays off. Thank you for understanding this. I love you ladies and again, I’m sorry. 


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time Adios!

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