
Thursday, January 18, 2024

Start the Day Off Right


You have to see every potential roadblock as an opportunity and a benefit." (Suze Orman)


Hello, my lovely friends!


          The first couple of weeks I’ve been busy doing everything, but getting myself on track. One of my biggest problems is mornings. I am not a morning person at all. I’m a night owl and always have been that will never change. However, there are some things that I can do to make my morning more productive and successful for me.


1. Write down a daily plan ~ as much as I would like to sit down and come up with a whole plan for the week I’m trying to get myself back on track with small steps. The night before while I have a few minutes to pull out my planner and write out what I want to accomplish the next day.


2. Plan my meals and snacks ~ I need some structure with my meals and found these planner meal pads to write everything out.


3. Pick a couple of things to finish each day ~ in order to organize the house and my life I need to start and finish things.


4. Schedule exercise ~ it might seem silly, but I need to do that in order to keep it up.


5. Start the day off with some stretching ~ A good stretch can do wonders for the start of your day. I’ll take five minutes just get my body going for the day.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk soon…

Yesterday's Blog

Get Rid of the Negative Things

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