
Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Live With Passion


"Life is meant to be fun, and joyous and fulfilling. May each of yours be that." (Jim Henson)

Hello, my lovely friends!


Hello, my lovely friends! 


     I know many of us would love to jet off on a plan and experience our personal "Eat, Pray, Love" moments, but we can't. However, that doesn't mean that you can't live your daily life without passion in it. There are things that you can do to have those moments in your everyday life.


1. Enjoy cooking ~ with me everything goes to cooking because I love cooking. I'm not telling you to cook a four course meal if cooking isn't your thing, but find a recipe that you've always want to cook and do it. I think a big problem why some people don't like cooking is because they view it as a chore. There are days when I feel like that, but it's usually when I'm making something I don't want to really cook like hot dogs. They're so simple to make and I hate cooking those days. When I do cook I always make a cup of tea and instead of having the TV on I put on some music.


2. Have a Nothing Day ~ I think so many people stress day to day about everything and anything. Sometimes you need to give yourself a break and just do nothing. This does not mean sit on the couch and binge TV judges all day. Go do something that is out of the normal daily thing for you. Find a free day at the museums or your local zoo. For me it usually involves a day at IKEA or a thrift store. Maybe your nothing day involves staying at home then you could have a pamper day. The point is to have a day to do something for yourself.


3. Find a Hobby ~ now I don't mean go out and sew yourself a sweater unless that's your thing that sew away girl. It could be cooking new recipes, painting, reading a book or gardening. Maybe you're more of a coloring book or puzzle kind of gal. Find something that you know you could lose yourself in.


4. Be present ~ this is all about living in the moment. This means if you're out to lunch or shopping with your friends stay off the phone. Turn the TV off when eating with others or by yourself. You get sucked into whatever is on and you end up ignoring the people you're eating with. Stop trying to do a million and one things at one time because you can't.


5. Gratitude ~ sounds easy, but it's also something so hard for people to focus on. We whine about everything and it ends up being so negative No wonder so many people are miserable because all they focus on is bad and negative. Start a gratitude journal and find something good about your day no matter how big or small it seems. I love starting my day with morning blessings. I also do prayers before going to bed and it's so simple. I just thank God for the day and send blessing and positive vibes to everyone in my life and that always includes you ladies.


Living with passion is not about going on this huge quest, but finding the beauty and blessings of your daily life. Once you stop focusing on the negative and finding the good in there you're on your way to a positive life.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

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