
Thursday, February 29, 2024

No Blog

 Hi Ladies!

There will be no blog today, but I will have one on Saturday. Thanks

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A Storm in Coming

 "Change doesn't happen overnight. It starts small and gains momentum." (Terri Trespicio)


Hello, my lovely friends!  


    Mother Nature has decided the beautiful spring-like weather we’re having is going to come to an end and winter is back. We were near 70 yesterday and are going to be in the 30s’ today. The winds kicked up on Sunday and it looked like a tornado was coming around, but knew it was taking our beautiful weather away to bring in some cold and snow today. I’m not sure how much snow or if it’ll even stick because its been so nice here.


      Ahead of whatever storm is coming I went to the market to get a few things that we need. Of course I get there and the parking lot is filled with people who go into a panic the minute they here a storm is coming. I always like looking at what people buy because it’s usually a bunch of snacks. I also had to pick up some food for Scooter too.


      This was a rough weekend, nothing bad happened I just felt sad and upset. I know it’s just what I’m going through and trying to find was to deal with it.  It’s hard for me to ask for help and this has been an up and down thing this past couple of months. I keep beating myself up about falling off the wagon and I know I shouldn’t and I should cut myself some slack, but its hard. I’m always in control of everything in my life and this just feel so out of control. I know take each day as it comes it all I can do.    


    I think back to when I quit smoking how I changed my lifestyle. I trained like I was doing a marathon and changed my eating habits. It made my mind feel like it was doing something important. So what I think I’m going to do is re-haul my eating habits and the good thing is my mom is on board with that because of her health and wanting to make it better. For months I’ve thought about plant based and if I could do that. I think what I’m going to do now is a couple of days a week eat that way, but the other days eat as clean as I can. I also think that coffee needs a break from life after I finish up this bottle of creamer. I’ve been drinking several couple during the day and night now.


      I’m also trying to set an alarm to wake up and get on the treadmill first thing for structure to have positive things starting out my day. Cleaning and organizing things are also a help in keeping my mind off of things. That’s why I’m glad spring is coming up and I can get outside in the yard to help with things.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time Adios!



Sunday, February 25, 2024

A Great Weekend


"Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you see it, you'll never make it through the night." (Leia Organa)


Hello, my lovely friends!


      You would think it’s Spring outside and not Winter. Our temps have been in the high 60s’ almost near 70s’. It’s been perfect weather to get outside and clean up the yard and get rid of the leaves that are still on the grass. Mother Nature is being really nice to us, but we are in winter and it’ll change by the end of the week and the snow will be back.


      It’s been a difficult week for me. This is the first full week of no drinking and I’m feeling good about it. I just feel so horrible that I let myself fall off the wagon in such a big way. I’m doing some daily affirmations when I wake up and it helps a lot.. This is the first week that I’ve felt sick and the headaches were relentless. I was miserable and my tummy is still blah. I know I have to go through this detox, but I hate it. Yesterday I felt upset for no reason, nothing happened it was just my emotions. I know that I’m going to have good and bad days ahead with this. I’m just going to be a day by day thing for me.


      Last month I was talking with a fellow Zoner and we were talking about how much fun we had during the Twilight Zone marathon and it was too bad we have to wait until July to hang out with everyone. We talked about having a mini marathon and we put it into place. We voted on them including what day and time to watch. We had our marathon yesterday and I thought only a handful of people would join in over on “X” (Twitter) and we had nearly 200 people there. It was so much fun. We only did five episode, but now we know we could add a couple more because five was just too short. I was shocked how many people were there, but we had so much fun. We decided that we’ll do it again every month with different things. 


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!

Yesterday's Blog

It's Howling Out There

  "To be happy you must let go of what's gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming." (Author Unknow...

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