
Friday, August 23, 2024

All About Me #21


“The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up0.” (Mark Twain)


Hello, my lovely friends!


    I apologize for the missed blog post yesterday. I thought it was Wednesday, but when I realized my mistake, it was too late. This week, our schools reopened, which brings me to the topic of the blog. 

1. I actually did attend preschool, but only for a single day. When I was four, my family moved across Denver, and my mom enrolled me in a local preschool. However, she didn't seem to like it very much, so I never returned.

After that, I attended kindergarten at two different schools. The first was a small duplex located near a park. The second was situated in the warehouse district. Although it was the same school, it had to relocate to a new building.

There wasn't a grade school nearby, but they began construction on one while I was in second grade. We all transitioned to the new school when I started third grade.


2.  My most significant childhood injury occurred in the fourth grade while playing tetherball. I accidentally struck my ankle against the metal pole, resulting in a sprained ankle. The swelling was noticeable in class. Over the summer, I unfortunately re-injured the same ankle two more times.


3. In my elementary school, they had special clubs for gifted and talented students called Club 34 and Club 56. To join, you had to take a test and have good grades. I was lucky enough to be in both clubs throughout my school years.

We worked on interesting projects that solved real-world problems. In Club 56, we actually helped plan a new community near our school. It was like a giant science experiment! That community is where I live now. Isn't that crazy?


4.  In 6th grade, I experienced my first heartbreak. Angelo, a boy from the classroom next door, was my first boyfriend. We'd often eat lunch together, sit side-by-side during movies, and even talk on the phone. When our relationship ended, I was devastated. The thought of going to school was unbearable. My mom, sensing my distress, allowed me to stay home that day. We spent the time cooking together, which provided a comforting distraction.


5. Grade school was where my love for classic films began. Every afternoon, after a hearty lunch, we'd head outside to play on the playground, where the ringers were my favorite. When the weather turned cold or snowy, we'd have the option of indoor fun: playing in the gym or settling into the auditorium for a classic movie. Laurel and Hardy, The Three Stooges, and The Little Rascals were our favorites. I always hated going back to class when a movie was still playing! Even at home, my dad would scan the TV guide (remember those?) for old films to watch together. That's how my lifelong appreciation for classic cinema started.


6.  In sixth grade, we had a recognition ceremony honoring students' achievements. Had this been high school, I likely would have graduated as the Salutatorian. I maintained an impeccable academic record, earning honors every year since third grade. My consistent excellence earned me a special award. Additionally, I was recognized as a 'Good Citizen' each year, an honor nominated by both teachers and students.


So glad you could stop by! Wishing you a splendid rest of your day/evening/morning, wherever you may be.

Until next time! Adios...


Yesterday's Blog

It's All About Me #26

“Gnome and elf and fairy, Witch and ghost make merry On this last of dear October’s days.” (Lettie C. Van Derveer)   Hello my lovel...

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