
Sunday, June 23, 2024

My SImple Detox Plan

 "What is important is to keep learning, to enjoy challenge, and to tolerate ambiguity. In the end there are no certain answers." (Matina Horner)


Hello, my lovely friends!  


    What a wonderful day here. It was a little cloudy and cool, perfect weather. I just wish that we could have this kind of weather all Summer long, but it’s only a matter of time before the 100’s hit here. I know so many are suffering in the heat, stay cool and hydrated.

    I'm changing things in how I eat and decided the thing I need to do first is detox and clean my system out. It’s pretty simple. I don’t do those detox powders and other detox plans that you can buy in the stores. I like to go the natural way by using food to clean your system out.


Hot lemon water ~ skip the morning coffee and opt for hot lemon water. I will get a four slices of a lemon and smash them in a coffee cup and add hot water to it. The lemon will help kick start your metabolism for the day.  Sometimes I will do the same thing, but add a green tea bag to it.


For breakfast I’ve been a smoothie kind of gal. I’m not a big fan of milk and never have been. I’ve been using Silk Almond Milk in place of real milk. I get some fresh or frozen fruits (whatever you have will work), throw in a spoonful of ground flax seed or chia seeds, pour some almond milk and blend it. I will have whole grain toast or a bagel with it. That is my breakfast and I will maybe switch it up one day a week and have a scrambled egg with toast.


My snacks will include some kind of fresh fruit.  I always eat some kind of fresh fruit after I work out and in the evening.


For lunch and dinner it’s a big salad full of veggies and some kind of protein with it. When I mean protein I’m talking chicken, fish or beef. I sometimes switch out the lettuce in the salad and go for some kind of healthy grain like brown rice and make a stir fry.


I’m only drinking my spa-like water and green tea, that’s it.


I will do this for at least five days, but a week would be better. I’m starting this tomorrow.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios...

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