
Friday, February 16, 2024

It's About Me #2

"Life is like a camera. Just focus on what's important, capture the good times, develop from the negatives, and if things don't turn out - take another shot." (Author Unknown)


Hello, my lovely friends!


     I’m going to start up the “Friday Funday” blogs again. Last year I told you many different things about myself in my younger years, but now we’re going to open up to all of my years. As always let us know something about yourself too in the comments. For the first one let’s talk birthdays since it’s my birthday month.


1. When January 6th would roll around I would start counting down to my birthday. I would make the announcement that day and every day I would tell my parents and sister at the dinner table how many more days until the big one. I imagine I drove them nuts.


2. One year for Christmas I got a Barbie Dream Pool. While opening the present I saw the word “Dream” and blurted out it was a Dream house and then I saw pool. My parents must have heard the disappointment in my voice. Two months later for my birthday I got that Dream house.


3. Since my bday is in the winter having a party with friends was always interesting because of the weather. In 8th grade I went to a school that was on the other side of town because we had no junior high school where we lived. Everyone I invited lived over there and it was snowing. My mom thought no one would come, but every single on of them came. It was so sweet of all them. They piled up into three cars and the parents drove them across town.


4. My parents were worried when I turned 21. I was a wild teen and they thought what will she do once 21 comes. A handful of friends were taking me to a nightclub. Every single one of my friends got drunk except for me. I drive everyone home. I came home before midnight and my parents were relieved. The following weekend I was out until 2 or 3 with my friends and that became the norm.


5. Since my birthday is the week before Valentine’s Day I’ve always had double flowers. My dad would get me any flower that was purple on my birthday and roses on Valentine’s Day. Through the years it happens the same who whoever I’m dating too. It was nice to have four dozen flowers in the house at one time.


6. Birthdays are important to me. I know many don’t like celebrating them because it means they’re getting older, but I look at it as another year of life. There was a time when I didn’t want to live and that’s why I celebrate another year of life every birthday.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!

Yesterday's Blog

Get Rid of the Negative Things

  "Don't let negative and toxic people rent space in your head. Raise the rent and kick them out." (Robert Tew)   Hello, my ...

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