
Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Welcome to 2024


"Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." (Oprah Winfrey)


Hello, my lovely friends!


    Happy New Year and welcome to 2024! Here we are, a shiny and fresh year full of possibilities. What are you looking forward to this year? What are your goals?


        Every year the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, our minds start thinking about resolutions for the New Year. Our thoughts go to the same resolutions; drop the pounds, exercise like crazy, and eating healthy. Yes, those are the things that I want to accomplish this year, but I need a plan that is simple and will work for me. This weekend I’ll take time to think about my goals for 2024 and come up with a plan to make it successful.

Here are some of the questions I’ll be thinking about when putting my plan together.

·      What do you want to change?

·      Why do you want to change it?

·      How will you change it?

·      Give yourself a time line for each goal

·      Make small monthly goals to achieve your big goal

·      Write it down somewhere you can see it daily


        I dusted off my books that I try to read and work through every year. I like having books that are about inspiring or getting in touch with your emotions. You know books to better yourself, but with daily things to think about or do. I don’t always read daily, but I do look over them weekly.

·      Simple Abundance by Sarah Ban Breathnach

·      Younger by the Day by Victoria Moran

·      Find Your Happy Daily Mantras by Shannon Kaiser

·      Eat Pretty Everyday by Jolene Hart


                Now that I’ve given you something to think about, take a half-an-hour this weekend to come up with your plan and have details to them. Don’t forget to add personal resolutions like attitude changes, special things you want for yourself, and things you want to accomplish.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

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