
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Good Results

"To be happy you must let go of what's gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming." (Author Unknown)


Hello, my lovely friends!


      To start off let’s talk about my results from the second screening. There is something there, but it’s not cancerous, It was stressful because they had me take about five x-rays. I went in and had two done and then they had me wait. They brought me back into take another one and then another one. After all that they did an ultrasound. By the time all that happened I was a little upset thinking they see something and are trying to figure out is it real. I was there for a couple of hours and the doctor came in and said they found something, but she believes it’s nothing serious. They want me to come back in five months to see if there were any changes.


      I hate that they are leaving it inside me. The last time they removed it and not sure why they won’t this time. I think I’m going to have a talk with my doctor and if I get that option. Now I’m just not feeling myself and just blah. I just want to take the day off because I feel exhausted about everything. I just wanted to let you the results.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon…



  1. Well, I think you're wise to ask your Dr. if removal is an option. BUT that's awesome that the Drs. didn't feel it's cancer.

    Having gone through this twice, I hope that you have a good chat w/your Dr. and come up w/an option.

    hugs and blessings

    1. I just hate having it still in me, but I know they know what's best. Thanks.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. Stay positive and keep your faith in all things good. 🤗💖

    1. Thank you for that Jeanne. I just have to trust in the process of it.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. It's Kathy. I agree. See if you can talk to your doctor about these results. It seems like they shouldn't just "think" it's not cancer! I would think there's a way to determine that it's not. It's not good for your mental health to have this hanging over your head for 5 months! Take care and I'll be praying for you!

    1. I agree, but I have to get out of my head and stop overthinking. I'm going to talk with her. Thank you.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. Thank you for that. I have to get out of my head and think positive.

    Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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