
Thursday, August 8, 2024

Catching Up

 "I, not events, have the power to make me happy or unhappy today. I can choose which it shall be. Yesterday is dead, tomorrow hasn't arrived yet. I have just one day, today, and I'm going to be happy in it." (Groucho Marx)


Hello, my lovely friends!  


    Last week my mom had three doctor’s appointment right in a row Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. She likes to get her appointments done before the cooler weather starts, it’ll be here before you know it. It was a rough week for my mom because she made early morning appointments and by the weekend she was tuckered out. Over the weekend she announced that she wants to do something fun for this week because it was rough last week.


      Yesterday we had our fun day out and we went to the movies. My mom wanted to see the new movie, “Twisters”. We hardly ever go to the movies anymore (you all know why). I don’t even remember the last movie we saw at a theater. When we go we do a couple of things, seat near the exit and always go to the first showing of it. That’s what we did and there were a about twenty people there. I was a little but uneasy, but it had been so long so I knew I would be. Once the movie started I relaxed a bit and enjoyed the movie. My mom loves destruction movies and this fit the bill for her. She had a really good time. My poor mom when we go out somewhere it’s usually doctor appointments or a grocery trip, so this was a good thing for her. She also saw the new Aline movie is coming out next week and is already making plans to go back to the movies to see that one.


      We’ve been watching the Olympics pretty much all day and night. I like watching all the popular things everyone watches, but there’s other things we enjoy. We really like the canoeing, artistic swimming, and the horses. We’ve been enjoying those too.


      Our weather on the other hand has been crazy hot here. We had three days in a row at 100 and the rest of the days in the high 90’s. With all the hot weather we have six wildfires going on and it hasn’t been easy with all the smoke and haze here. On top of that we’re getting it from Canada, California, and Washington. The good news is cooler weather is sticking around through the weekend and even having some 70’s in there. It’s a perfect for us to get outside and clean up the yard that we couldn’t get to because of the heat. Next week I’ll have a garden blog up even though it’s not really much, it is growing.


      What’s been going on with you all? How’s your summer going? Any garden news from you all?


So glad you could stop by! Wishing you a splendid rest of your day/evening/morning, wherever you may be.

Until next time! Adios...


  1. Did you enjoy Twisters? I saw the original and loved it!

    We just ended a hazy/hot/humid spell and glad of the break from it.

    Quiet here with a few appointments mixed in. Jason has PT twice/week. He’s getting stronger, but it’s been a very long road.

    Have gotten Miss Lilly to the park most days. She needs the activity. So do I!

    That’s about it. Cannot believe we’re diving into August already. *SIGH*

    Hugs and blessings

  2. We've had a short respite from the excessive heat. The last movie we went to the theater to see was "Inside Out 2" A great movie for all ages. Happy Thursday! You can almost see the weekend. 🤗💖

  3. It's Kathy. My husband wants to see Twister. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It's cool here in Minnesota. I'm enjoying having the windows opened!

  4. Summer has flown by, hasn't it? My life has been full of dog since Easter, and today I applied for her license... she's six months old, and that's when they require it! Let's see... last movie I saw in a theater was The Barbie Movie! Before that it was Tom Hanks in A Man Called Otto. So that averages one movie a year since returning to "life beyond Zoom".


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