
Sunday, July 14, 2024

Just a Little Chat


"The truth is: Belonging starts with self-acceptance. Your level of belonging, in fact, can never be greater than your level of self-acceptance, because believing that you're enough is what gives you the courage to be authentic, vulnerable and imperfect." (Brene Brown)


Hello, my lovely friends!


      It’s been awhile since we had a chat about things and though we should play some catch up with each other. I’m sure a lot has been going on with all of us.


      First off hope you all had a good 4th of July. There are still people shooting off fireworks right now. At some point enough is enough already. ON the 4th they went until early in the morning probably 4am. Of ocurse I watched the Twilight Zone marathon on two channels. I always love spending it with other Zoners online. It was a lot of fun. For dinner we went simple with cold fried chicken, potato salad, and watermelon. It was a nice day.


      Our heat right now is out of control. On Friday we broke the record at 102, Saturday at 100 and today is supposed to be another triple digit day. It’s been so hot here and will be around for a few more days and then a little bit of a cool down. The bad part is August is our hottest month. Great more heat.


      I’m finally getting my garden together, I’m so late this year, but I can get things through October. With the heat we’re having right now for the next week everything is going to bolt up. So, I’ll be happy about that. I got the same things I always plant and some more peppers this year. I had to buy bigger plants because I’m starting so late.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios…




  1. Heat warnings almost nation wide. Stay cool. 🥵

  2. Hot here, too, but it looks as though you are about a day ahead of us in terms of the hottest temperatures. We're looking at a prediction of 102 for today (Sunday)! Putting the puppy pool out, emptying it for over night, then getting it out again... steps to add up!

  3. It's Kathy. It's hot in Minnesota too and we had quite a storm go through last night. Lots of thunder and lightening - but no hail in our neighborhood thankfully. No garden for me again this year. I can barely keep up with the weeds! Today is going to be a catch up day for me!


Yesterday's Blog

It's All About Me #26

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