
Saturday, January 27, 2024

Weekend Battle Plan


"Failure is only the opportunity to begin again, this time more wisely. Today is a new day!" (Denise Austin)


Hello, my lovely friends!


When the weekend comes what happens to your plan? Does it go out the window as you forget that you’re trying to stay healthy? Even though you know you should stay on track, do you tell yourself you’ll just start fresh on Monday? I can be all over the place some weekends and that’s why I need a weekend battle plan. Many people treat weekends like a free two day pass to allow yourself to have something that we would never have during the week while we’re trying to eat healthy. I have a few ideas that I’m going to do to keep myself on track for the weekend.


1. Make lunch a salad. Even if you go out to eat at a restaurant or take-out a salad is a better choice. Also, make sure an oil-based dressing instead of a high calorie one.


2. Workout for at least thirty minutes. Sometimes on the weekends your workout might take a back seat because we’re so busy. I can fit in a thirty minute walk on the treadmill or taking Scoots for a walk. Even a quick walking workout would fit right in.


3. Ditch the caffeine for the weekend. There are times when I need a break from coffee and pop. I’m really trying to ditch the pop and have made the switch to clear pop, but still need a break. On the weekends I’ll have herbal teas in place of coffee and my favorite water with a flavored packet or just lemon.


4. Snack smarter. I usually have a snack a couple of times during the day and night. For my weekend snacks I’m sticking to a piece of fruit or some sliced veggies.


5. Have only one heavy meal a day. This is actually great to do all the time, but on the weekends we tend to have a full breakfast and dinner because we have more time to make something. I’m only doing a heavy meal once a day.


6. Eat lighter on Monday and Friday. Sometimes if you know you fall off the wagon on the weekend then make sure you eat healthy on the two days that sandwich the weekend.


What do you do to stay on track during the weekend?


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk soon…


  1. My plans kinda stay the same all seven days a week, I made the effort after I retired to make every day the same decisions when it came to health. That being said it kinda means that when I fall off track it can happen any day of the week now - LOL. I like your plans and all the very best in doing them.

    1. If it works for you keep with it. I just need some kind of structure with things.

      Enjoy the weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. All good ideas! I always keep cut up veggies and fruits in the fridge in case I feel the need to ‘nosh’. There’s a healthy choice!

    Generally during the week we do stick to one heavy meal/day. Usually it’s dinner (lunch). Supper is light and that has really helped tame indigestion! We do have a (oatmeal, or fruit, or cottage cheese – something like that) and on weekend breakfast is our heavy meal as we eat @ our favorite diner and socialize w/some friends. The rest of the day we eat light.

    I plan my meals on Sunday, and make my shopping list according to what I need for the meals for the week. Works for me. Forces me to go through the fridge/freezer and pantry to see what I have (or not!)

    Here’s to a good weekend.


  3. I have to get better at balancing my meals. I need to sit down and plan my week of meals better.

    Enjoy the weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))


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