
Friday, October 11, 2024

It's All About Me #27


"I can smell autumn dancing in the breeze. The sweet chill of pumpkin and crisp sunburnt leaves." (Ann Drake)


Hello my lovely friends!


    Back again with some more Halloween spooky things about me. Let us all know something about you and Halloween. 


1. It was a crisp Halloween night, and the wind howled like a banshee through the barren trees. I was around ten, trick-or-treating with my older sister and cousins. We came to a house that was a sight to behold. Creepy cobwebs draped from the eaves, and glowing jack-o'-lanterns with hollowed-out eyes seemed to watch us from the porch.

As we approached, a sinister laugh echoed from within. Suddenly, a shadowy figure burst through the front door, its face obscured by a grotesque mask. My heart pounded in my chest as it lunged towards us, its outstretched arms reaching for our candy bags. My sister and cousins screamed and took off running, leaving me alone to face the terrifying creature. Panic surged through me as I froze in place, my head ducking into my bag for protection.


2. When my sister was 12  she convinced Mom to let her watch 'The Exorcist.' I was only eight, too young to join her. She watched it during the day, alone with Mom. For a week afterward, she couldn't sleep, her nightmares so vivid she’d scream in the night. Mom had to sleep in her room, just to be sure.


Months later at a sleep-over at one of my friend's houses we watch the movie.  We huddled on the couch, the only light coming from the flickering TV screen. As the movie played, the girls around me jumped and screamed, but I sat there, unmoved. I thought, "What's the big deal?"


3.  I was a timid ten-year-old when my mom, blissfully unaware of the horror classic The Exorcist, finally relented to my pleas for a scary movie night. We were going to watch the new film, Halloween, and she'd even invited a couple of friends over for the fright fest. As the chilling scenes unfolded, I found myself reaching for the dictionary, desperately searching for happy words to soothe my growing fear.

That night, sleep was elusive. The eerie images from the film replayed in my mind, amplified by the darkness of my room. My mom, sensing my distress, offered to sleep with me for a few nights. It was the first and only time a movie had truly terrified me. Yet, as I've grown older, I've revisited Halloween with a newfound appreciation for its suspense and thrills. While it still sends a shiver down my spine, I'm no longer consumed by fear. Instead, I savor the adrenaline rush and the satisfaction of conquering my childhood fright.


4.  I crave the thrill of the macabre and revel in the darkness of horror films. While I'll devour any genre, my heart lies with the timeless classics, particularly those campy B-movies that inspire more laughter than terror. The newer horror flicks, with their excessive gore, leave me cold.


5. I’m a creature of the night, drawn to the shadows and the tales that lurk within. But don’t mistake me for one who relishes the gore and guts. I’m a fan of the old-school chill, the kind that creeps into your bones and leaves you shivering long after the credits roll. Modern horror films, with their over-the-top special effects and gratuitous violence, just don’t do it for me.

Take the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remakes, for example. The original had a raw, gritty power that came from its low budget and authentic atmosphere. It wasn't about shock value; it was about a slow-burning dread that built to a terrifying climax. The remakes, with their polished CGI and exaggerated violence, lose that essential element. They're like a haunted house with all the scary decorations, but no soul.


6.  I’ve ventured into the shadowy depths of haunted houses a time or two, but those were distant echoes of a bygone era. Much like the over-the-top gore of modern horror films, I’ve grown weary of the cheap thrill of unexpected scares. The sudden jolts, the manufactured screams – they’ve lost their power to chill me to the bone. No longer do I seek out such fleeting frights. Yet, from the safe confines of my own home, I find a morbid fascination in watching others succumb to the terror of haunted houses on YouTube.


May this season be filled with haunted houses, pumpkin patches, and plenty of spooky surprises.

Thank you for stopping by…



  1. I remember seeing the Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, too. They both scared me, and never bothered w/the sequels to Texas Chainsaw Massacre. But looking and the "blood and gore" in older movies, it's certainly NOTHING like the over-the-top stuff in today's movies.

    Give me a movie like Young Frankenstein! LOL


    1. "I totally get that! The Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre were definitely classics in the horror genre. I remember how intense they were. It's interesting to see how horror has evolved over the years. While the older movies had their scary moments, today's films often go all-out with the special effects and gore. It's a different kind of scary, isn't it?

      Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. No thanks! I'll stick with the G rated for the young folks. I'm young at heart. 🎃👻

    1. I've watched so much horror since Fall started. Mike loves horror movies, but I've managed to throw in some old classics too.

      Have a great weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. It's Kathy. I did see the Exorcist at the movies when it first came out. I was pregnant with my first child. I guess my mother instinct had already kicked in because I wasn't scared at all, I just felt sad for the mom seeing her child going through so much! Love your Halloween memories!

    1. Thanks, Kathy. I've watched so many horror movies this year because mike loves them and we have movie nights on his days off. You're tough mama there.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. I used to enjoy vampire movies as a teenager. I stopped watching horror entirely after my sisters dragged me to see Poltergeist when I was only 4 weeks post-partum. I freaked out... could not stand the thought of anything harming my baby!

    1. I can understand that. I'm not into the gory ones, but have watched them.

      Have an amazing weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  5. I no longer watch horror movies at all. I use to look for them and watch as many as possible but they just kind of slipped away and that is okay. New ones seem to be gore for the sake of gore and there is never much of a story at all. Have a great weekend.

    1. I love horror, but old classic ones, some of the new ones are good just no to all that gore. I need a story with my horror movies.

      Enjoy your weekend! Happy Thanksgiving to you! (((BIG HUGS)))


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