
Friday, August 30, 2024

It's All About Me #22


“However enjoyable the holidays may have been, there is always a pleasurable excitement about going back to school.” ~A. Q. Carter

Hello, my lovely friends!


     The week has flown and here we are with another Friday Funday1. We’re still in school and this one could go for two blogs, but we’ll see how I do because we’re doing high school now. One of the best and worst times of my life. It also molded me into the person I am today. So, let’s do this

1. I’m four years younger than my sister, so we never attended the same school. That was probably for the best, since we’re complete opposites. She’s an extrovert, while I’m more of an introvert. We likely would have clashed. In June 1986, she graduated high school, and just a couple months later, in August, I started my own high school journey.


2. While I no longer participated in Gifted and Talented programs or Club 34, I was enrolled in advanced placement courses in English and Math. My goal was to complete all core classes by the end of my sophomore year, leaving my junior and senior years for electives and extracurricular activities. This plan ultimately proved successful.


3. I've always been a bit of an outsider when it comes to cliques. Growing up in a diverse community where most of my classmates were black and Mexican, I found myself friends with everyone, regardless of their background. We'd known each other since kindergarten, and while junior high temporarily separated us, we reunited in high school.


4. I studied French throughout middle and high school, graduating with a solid foundation in reading and pronunciation. While I've since lost my conversational fluency, I'm eager to refresh my skills through language lessons and see how much I can recall.


5. My extracurricular activities were primarily focused on the arts. I was a dedicated member of both the drama and speech teams. While participating in debate through the speech team, I achieved some success in weekend competitions. Although I took drama classes throughout my high school career, I only auditioned for one play, 'Dracula.' To my delight, I secured the role of the maid. To perfect the required English accent, I drew inspiration from professional wrestling, imitating the British Bulldogs.


6.   Back in the late 80s, I was a die-hard metalhead, especially when it came to hair bands like Mötley Crüe, Bon Jovi, and Guns N' Roses. My friends and I would hit up concerts every month, often driving together and sleeping in the parking lot to secure tickets. There was always a tight-knit group of about twenty of us, and we became the best of friends. My mom was always understanding, signing me out of school the next day. One time, when she refused to sign the excuse, I had to call her at work to convince her. They had no choice but to give it to me.


So glad you could stop by! Wishing you a splendid rest of your day/evening/morning, wherever you may be.

Until next time! Adios...




  1. Replies
    1. I wish you a good weekend as well! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. Oh my siblings and I were complete opposites, as well. But even though we attended the same schools (kindy, elementary and high school) we managed.

    I took German in high school. My heritage was Germanic, so wanted to do that. Ended up going to Germany in 1976 and knowing the language came in very handy. Met several people that I kept in contact with over the years, but it has dwindled. It is nice, though.

    LOVED being in the plays in High School. Most of my activities were building the sets, costuming and make-up, though, I did have a small part in the play Our Town. So much fun.

    Hope all is well and wishing you a great weekend!


    1. That's a wonderful story! It's always interesting to hear about people's experiences growing up, especially when their siblings had such different paths.

      Taking German in high school and then visiting Germany in 1976 must have been a fantastic experience. Learning a language and then being able to use it in its native country is a great way to connect with the culture. It's great that you maintained friendships from that time, even if they've dwindled over the years.

      Your involvement in high school plays is also really cool. Building sets, costuming, and makeup are all important aspects of theater production. And having a small part in "Our Town" must have been a memorable experience.

      Have a fabulous weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. It's Kathy. My sister and I were also 4 years apart but she was the younger one. And we never really had anything in common. She was quiet and petite and never got dirty so, of course, she was my mom's favorite! I, on the other hand, lived to play in the dirt! I don't really remember much of school, but I did love growing up in the 60's. Hope you have a lovely Labor Day weekend!

    1. That's a relatable experience! Many siblings have different personalities and interests, even when they're close in age. It sounds like you and your sister had quite opposite temperaments.

      Growing up in the 60s must have been a fascinating time. The 60s were a decade of significant social and cultural change, so it's interesting to hear about your experiences during that era.

      I hope you have a wonderful Labor Day weekend as well! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. I am always amazed at how multi-talented and multi-culturally cognizant you are! In my mind, today I added a French speaker with a Brit accent! Such a fascinating life!

    1. Thank you for your kind words! I'm glad you find my abilities interesting. It's always rewarding to learn new things and be exposed to different cultures.

      I'm still developing my French skills, but I'm enjoying the process. It's a fascinating world out there, and I'm grateful for the opportunity to explore it through language and culture.

      Have a lovely holiday weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))


Yesterday's Blog

It's All About Me #26

“Gnome and elf and fairy, Witch and ghost make merry On this last of dear October’s days.” (Lettie C. Van Derveer)   Hello my lovel...

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