
Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How I Drink Things

 "The greatest boundaries that we face in our lives are very often the ones we ourselves create in our minds." (Ellyn Spragins)


Hello, my lovely friends!


    Water is something that everyone needs to survive, you can't go without. However there are lots of people out there that aren't fans of water. So how do you get your water in? There are many different ways to get some water in. These are different tips that you can use to get your water in each day and even if you have no problem drinking water.


1. Add citrus to your water - lemons, limes, oranges and grapefruits. What I like to do is slice citrus in half-moon size slices and put them in a container in the fridge. When I grab a lass of water or even hot or cold tea throw in a couple of slices. Also first thing in the morning a cup of hot water a couple of lemon slices and kind of crush them to release some juices and drink that in place of your morning coffee to give your metabolism a jump start to your day.


2. Cucumber and herbs - grab an English cucumber and some herbs like mint or basil and throw them in a pitcher of water and let it seep in there for an hour, drain it through a sieve and pour it back into a pitcher and enjoy it the rest of the day.


3. Crystal Light or any kind of sugar-free type of powder to add to your water - there are so many different things you can add to water to make it taste better. I find that some of those packets can taste really sweet so I will only use half per pitcher instead of the whole thing. I still feel like  I'm having something sweet, but not that overwhelming sweetness it sometimes gives you. You could change it up and pour the Crystal Light into ice cube trays and then add a handful of those to your water and when they melt you water gets a nice hint of flavor. 


You all know that I've cut the pop out of my life and it wasn't easy, but it can be done. Here are a few little things I do to have a drink that is different from water, but not crazy high calorie/high sugar like pop and energy drinks have.


1. Seltzer and juice - get some seltzer and add about a half a cup of a light or no sugar added juice. You can also do this with water in place of seltzer. The reason I don't put that in the water section is because the juice will have calories and sugar so it can count as water.


2. Ice tea with stevia - you can also throw in your citrus slices in your tea. Those pink, blue and yellow packets are good, but not the greatest thing for you. If you can use stevia that is so much better, but if you have to use those packets go right ahead, just stay clear of the real sugar.


3. Seltzer and Crystal Light - if you don't want to go the juice route in your seltzer because of the empty calories and sugar, add the Crystal Light. The fizz from the seltzer will mimic having a pop.


Those are some of my tips that I use to have variety in my beverages. I feel so much better without the pop in my life. I'm no longer sluggish or feeling like a headache will come along because of the caffeine withdrawals. Let me know if there are things that you do in place of pop or you do to your water. 


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios…


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