
Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Preparing Things


"Practice the pause. Pause before judging. Pause before assuming. Pause before accusing. Pause whenever you're about to react harshly and you'll avoid doing and saying things you'll later regret." (Lori Deschene)


Hello, my lovely friends!  

It's hard to start thinking about doing things for the fall season when it’s 90 something outside and the sun is beating down on us, but I’m going to start getting things ready because once October 1st hit, I’m off and running for the holiday season. I hate being rushed to get things done because we do so much starting with Halloween and thru the end of the year. I always want to get ahead of things because I want things ready for the holiday season and this way I’m not stressed out over things.


1. Declutter and Store Home Decor:

To make room for holiday decorations, I'll declutter my home decor and store it away. I'll dust everything thoroughly and place it in two large plastic bins in the den closet. This will keep my home organized and ready for the festive season.


2. Organize Tea and Coffee Supplies:

It's time to tidy up my tea and coffee cupboard. I'll sort through my collection, discarding any expired items and organizing the remaining teas in a more efficient manner. I'll explore options at the Dollar Tree for storage solutions and assess my need for new teas for the upcoming cooler months.


3. Prepare for Halloween:

While our Halloween decorations are smaller than our Christmas collection, they still require organization. I'll bring up the boxes containing our outdoor decorations and approximately twenty bins of indoor items. My goal is to have the window and tree/bush lights installed with their cords before the end of the month.


So, those are the things that I need to do this month in order to get my kind of stress-free holidays started. Do you do anything to get ready? 


So glad you could stop by! Wishing you a splendid rest of your day/evening/morning, wherever you may be.

Until next time! Adios...



  1. Love the new wallpaper! My favorite season is on the horizon.
    You haven't posted a photo of the coffee/tea station for a while. Will we see one for fall?
    Happy Tuesday! With the holiday is sure feels like Monday. I'll be confused all week. 😉🤔

    1. Thanks, Jeanne! I haven't done a coffee bar since the first on in January. I'm not sure why just not feeling it, but I do want to put a fall one up and will work on it this weekend. I know what mean about being confused all week, me too.

      Have a fantastic day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. It's Kathy. I love that your organize your holidays and prepare for them. I enjoy every season with you. I will not be doing much again this year. Recovering from this back surgery has been challenging, the pain is almost overwhelming. And last year I decided I will not host any more holiday gatherings. It's too hard for me to get it all prepared and then the children just take over! So I say, let them take over in their own homes! I'll be getting my holiday spirit directly from you!

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that your recovery has been challenging. It's understandable that you want to take a break from hosting. I'm looking forward to celebrating the holidays this year and sharing my holiday cheer. Let's make it a special season filled with joy and relaxation.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I’ve missed your coffee and tea bar photos! I have to go through my teas. Some are expired. I hate waste, but if I’m going to have a good cup of tea, I have to have good tea to start with!

    I cannot believe that the holidays are already so close! Just doesn’t seem possible. BUT . . . it is.

    My DS and his fiancée just bought a house in December 2023. So have lots of holiday decorations to share w/them. Not sure what I’ll replace or not, but I’ll see as time goes on.

    Good luck!

    HUGS and hope all is well


  5. Ah, I can totally relate to the tea dilemma! There's nothing worse than a stale cup. I'm glad you're giving your collection a good purge.

    It's crazy how fast time flies, isn't it? The holidays are right around the corner! I'm so excited for you and your DS and his fiancée. A new home is such an exciting milestone. I can't wait to see all the festive decorations you have in store for them!

    Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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