
Friday, July 5, 2024

All About Me # 17


"If we can get to the place where we show up as our genuine selves and let each other see who we really are, the awe-inspiring ripple effect will change the world." (Terrie M. Williams)


Hello, my lovely friends!  

    For this weeks facts blog I thought I'd touch on things that annoy me or don't like. So, if you have similar or different let us all know. 

1. Bugs, especially moths and gnats

If a moth is in the house I won't rest until I either kill it or get it out of the house. Gnats just bug me. The tend to hangout on the screens and I will spray white vinegar and water on the screens everyday to keep them at bay.


2. Pens that spit when using them

I love pens and can be very picky about them. If I'm using a pen and it starts that spitting when you write I will no longer use that pen. I will either put them in the pen drawer by the phone in the kitchen or will save them in a jar and give to my Mom or Grandma. Yea, I know it's strange. I will say that I love BIC pens, but Papermate spits too much at me.


3. People who dumb themselves down

For some reason people do this a lot. They feel like they have to dumb themselves down to fit in with people, why? Nothing bugs me more than when I see younger girls doing this for the attention of others. It's like you don't think you're that good enough as the real you.


4. Common Sense

I have met plenty of super smart people, but no common sense. Like people who have alarms that never put it on, why have one? Or if you're late to work everyday why not wake up earlier?


5. Crazy drivers who speed, don't use signals and don't pay attention

We all see it, people who drive to fast and weave in and out of traffic and that does bug me. However, what really bugs me are people who drive fast and not paying attention on residential streets.


6. People talking on their cell phone loud in restaurants, shopping and even in the bathrooms.

This is my number one pet peeve of everything that could annoy a person. There is no need for the whole world to hear your conversation. There was one time I was shopping in some store and went to the bathroom and in the next stall a young girl was talking on the phone and she dropped it and it shattered. I was washing my hands when she came out  she had her phone in about four pieces in her hand trying to put it back together. Or people on phones while eating in a restaurant, that is really rude especially if you are eating with others. 


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk To Y'all Soon…



  1. People, like dogs, get reinforced for some behaviors, and not for others. When we realize it's not helping us, we "knock it off"! But we all learn different social skills at different rates. Most of us had to be taught. Some of us learned late!

    1. That is a great way to look at it. I like that

      Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. P.S. My current annoyance is litter of various types! Walking a dog makes one very aware of the hazards. Yes, we try to look ahead and avoid the hazards, but seriously: spitting your gum out on the sidewalk? Tossing a drink cup out of your car window?

    1. Wow, I can't believe some people sometimes. I just don't get it.

  3. Definitely not a fan of moths, but they don’t scare me. They are creepy!

    My preference is gel pens. Glides along. Think it stems to the days when I did shorthand. Had to use ink pens because they allowed for faster movement. Ok, I know, I am ancient! LOL

    OH my! I remember the talks I had w/DD in her teen years when she’d dumb down to fit in with a particular social group. *SIGH* Thankfully, she doesn’t do that anymore.

    Oh don’t even get me started on the NON-CONNECTION between IQ and common sense. DH is extremely smart but . . . sometimes lacks in the common sense dept. He’s still a good guy! LOL

    I just love when someone passes me on a 2 lane road and speeds along . . . yet . . . we end up @ the red light @ the same time! LOL Or the stop sign, of course.

    I have seen young people walking right next to each other . . . not speaking . . . but TEXTING to each other. REALLY????

    And OKM makes a great point. Litter. Such a lazy habit, and makes it difficult to walk fur babies as it is an attractive nuisance -- ends up in their mouths and you have to retrieve it!
    Well, looks like we’ve covered it all today. LOL

    Have a good weekend.


    1. I still like writing over typing things. I do have a big set of gel pens too. I love when a speedy is at the same light too. Liter is a lazy habit, hate seeing it all over.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((Big HUGS)))

  4. It's Kathy. I am definitely on board with probably all of these things. I don't like the crazy drivers who wiz by you on the freeway going 80+, but I also don't like those drivers who drive 10 miles below the speed limit on city streets (we have a lot of those people in my neighborhood) or who can't figure out how to use the blasted roundabouts which our city has installed everywhere! And I agree with those who dumb themselves down, although it seems our society has encouraged stupidity these days. I am also picky about pens - not sure when that happened because that's new for me! Have a lovely day!

    1. I agree with everything you said. Sometimes you just have to shake your head at people.

      Have an amazing weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  5. Wishing you the best this weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))


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