
Friday, May 3, 2024

All About Me #10


"Pardon me if I grow moist-eyed and slightly mystical, but there is something about Mexican cooking that is akin to the essence of life." (Lawrence W. Cheek)


Hello, my lovely friends!


        Happy Cinco de Mayo weekend to you all! It’s Friday Funday and you all know what that means, little facts day. In honor of today I thought I’d thought I’s talk about the Mexican side of me.


1. I’m Mexican on both sides of my family. On my mother’s side my great grandma and grandpa was born in Mexico. On my dad’s side, my great grandpa was born in Mexico.


2. Like so many Mexican/Americans Spanish was not taught in the homes because so many believed we should only know English. Through the years many of us have picked up some Spanish here and there. I can understand some things, but am no way comfortable speaking it.


3. I love spicy foods, but not to the point that my tongue is on fire and numb. I enjoy the taste of chilies and peppers in things.


4. I put Tajin on all my fruits. What is it? It’s a spice that you find in the supermarket that is lime and chili with some salt. I enjoy it on watermelon and any kind of melons the most. It’s just a nice hint of spice on things.


5. It’s such a cliché, but like so many Latinas I wear hoop earring and only hoop earrings. I have three holes on both ears and wear big hoops on the first holes, smaller hoops on the middle and a stud in the third. I also only wear gold or silver, not colors.


6. Some of my favorite movies that I enjoy are Mi Vida Loca, Zoot Suit, Tortilla Soup, and Like Water for Chocolate. For music I love all kinds of Spanish music, might not understand it, but enjoy listening to it. It reminds me of my dad on the weekends when we were kids. He’d put Mexican music on to wake us up.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!


  1. So nice to embrace your roots, your heritage. It accounts for so much of who we are, what we become!

    Thanks for sharing bits about YOU!


  2. Family history is important. Thank you for sharing a part of yours. 🤗💖

  3. It's Kathy. 3 of my grandparents came from Norway, the 4th came from Ireland. I always identified as Irish but since I've gotten older and met some of my Norwegian relatives, I'm pretty proud of that heritage too. I love that you embrace your Mexican heritage. Just last night I watched a Hallmark movie Never Too Late to Celebrate with Alexa & Carlos PenaVega. It was all about a young woman who's father was Mexican and had passed away. She decided to learn more about her Mexican Heritage and Carlos was the one to introduce her to many customs she had never known about. I love both of then and I loved watching this movie. Your culture is so vibrant! Wish I knew how to cook Mexican food better! Have a great day.

  4. I love it when each of us can embrace our heritage. Growing up "white as a sheet" I felt my own culture to be bland and admired the friends I had from other cultures that seemed so rich. Your description of your Spanish heritage only confirms that admiration, although I have come to appreciate that the anglo (as in England) heritage that my family came from has its own texture.

    Have a wonderful day and weekend, and thanks for sharing so much of yourself in your writings. I love the Fridays "all about" you!

    1. Correction: Mexican, not Spanish... one's the culture, the other the language. And I'm thinking I may have to try tajin on watermelon!


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