
Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hello Summer! Changing My Ways

 "The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work." (Oprah Winfrey)


Hello, my lovely friends! 


Welcome to Summer! I haven't went grocery shopping this week and I probably will go on Monday. So for this weekend I'm going to clean out the fridge and the pantry, getting rid of all the crap food that is still hanging around the house. It all just has to go. I start with all the right intentions, but because I have those "bad" foods in the house I tend to eat them here and there.

Let's get to what I want to accomplish this Summer for my weight loss. 


1. Wake up by 8a.m. every morning ~ I do notice that when I sleep in past 9a.m. I'm lazy pretty much the rest of the day. I'll do some things, but will do the, "I'll do it tomorrow..." I have to wake up just like if I was getting up to go to work. 

2. Breakfast ~ Smoothie and whole wheat toast. I'm going to add veggies to my smoothies and try to get that green one down.

3. Lunch ~ Always some kind of salad with protein. For salad dressing will always be oil & vinegar.

4. Start weighing myself ~ I weigh myself probably once a month because I was becoming too obsessed with each day. I'm not going back to everyday, but a couple of times a week will keep me on the right path.

5. Morning Workout ~ Most of the time when I workout it was evening because I had to work, but whoo-hoo no more work! I can get my workouts done by 11a.m. I do want to get a mile or two in the treadmill everyday done.

I want to finally put myself first in life instead of behind the scenes. This is my chance this Summer to do just that. It won't be easy, but I will keep myself on track. This is my Summer to finally get this weight loss thing on track. 


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios…


  1. Yeah, those ‘not good for me foods’ just are like a siren call if they’re in the house.

    You have a good plan to achieve your goals! You can do it and your body will thank you!

    We have had very hot weather. The positive is I am not hungry when it's so hot!

    HUGS and thankful Thursday to you, your Mom and Scooter!


    1. Its been so hot for so many people. We had some cooler weather, but the heat is coming back. Stay cool that heat is no joke.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. One thing I am learning that as a senior you cannot skip any exercise at all. When I do my body gets stiff and I sleep terrible so stretching and walking are a must. Great goals for you!! Well done.

    1. With my bum knee its the same way I have to exercise it to keep it moving.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks Jeanne! I hope you're having a good day. (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. Nothing like a good plan to energize oneself! Good luck, and we'll be following along!

    I've been away from the trainer for going on three weeks now, due to all the work on the yard and house. The plan is to go back next week. Wishing us both luck with the balancing act called "life"!

    1. I get that we've been busy doing yard work too and the rest of the things have been put on the back burner. We've got this Barb, we can do this.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  5. It's Kathy. Sounds like a good plan. I also feel sluggish if I don't get up by 8 am. I'm shooting for 7 but that's only worked a few times. We are currently in Roanoke, VA visiting my daughter's family and enjoying it so much. She has been preparing the best meals! Makes me want to work harder to create meals for us. We leave Saturday morning for a long 2 day drive! But it will be nice to be home again!

    1. Sometimes if I sleep too much I'm that way all day.

      I'm glad that you're having such a good time with your daughter and her family. It's always fun to see family, but sometimes you just want to be back home to relax.

      Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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