
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Catching Up

 "To be happy you must let go of what's gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming." (Author Unknown)

Hello, my lovely friends!


      How are you all handling this heat so many of us are getting? I swear Mother Nature is just teasing all of us at this point. We hit 100 and then went down to 65, but for just a day because the dry heat is back. Y’all know I’m not a fan of heat and this one is dry and miserable.


      My garden is a bunch of nothing right now. I’ve been putting it off and then when I tried to get it start we got hit with that huge hail storm and we’ve been trying to get that fixed. I finally cleaned all the containers out. Friday we went to the garden center and I picked up a ton of veggie and herbs plants. I had to get the bigger ones because I’m so far behind in planting everything. I’m hoping that I get a good harvest from everything.


      Speaking of the house with all the damage. The insurance is giving us nearly nothing and my mom is going to send more pictures because they said our damage was minimal. I swear you pay insurance, but when you need it they don’t want to help you in the end. Looks like we’re spending our summer working on getting people to fix the house. We already have the fence schedule to get fixed. My mom us going to look into a new company because she’s forever fighting with them.


      Things with Mike are going great and everything just seems to get better and better. I honestly wasn’t looking for a relationship, but it just happened when I least expected it. We both get overwhelmed that I cry from being so happy. You all know I had a really long relationship and thought it was it with him, but this feels different. I have never felt this way. The idea of growing old with him makes me happy and I can see it. I’ve saw that before.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios…



  1. Very hot and humid yesterday. Today . . . won’t even get to 70 and NW winds. Fickle weather.

    For sure, insurance companies are glad to take your premium money, but when you need the insurance help . . . watch out. Good luck and hope that you get the damage repaired w/o too much trouble.

    So very, very happy for you that things are going well w/Mike. You just KNOW when things are right! Wishing you (and Mike) continued happiness.

    Just an FYI . . . my bestie got married when she was 42. Her husband passed away in 2017. She didn’t think she’d ever get remarried. But . . . she met someone in 2019 and they got married in April this year. He is a wonderful man, treats her like a queen. THAT’S how it should be!


    1. It looks cloudy and cool outside but its just a blanket on the heat and its horrible. Hopefully everything works out with the insurance.

      So, we have talked marriage and the whole thing. We're on the same page, but taking our time.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

    2. Ohhhh so wonderful! Yes, definitely take your time!


  2. Replies
    1. Hey Jeanne! How are things going?

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Oh, dear, when it comes to home repairs, it can be a nightmare... or a dream. Hope things work out. As I've been discovering this year, it never ends. One project just uncovered the need for the next one.

    Happy about the unexpected growth in your relationship with Mike. There are points in life that just burst with joy. Here's hoping that this continues, matures, and lasts a long, long time!

    1. It has been a nightmare trying to get things worked out and scheduled. The more we walked around the more we saw.

      It's a big thing between the two of us. It just keeps growing and getting stronger.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. It's Kathy. I agree - we pay lots of money for insurance and when you need it they don't want to pay out. Our homeowners insurance went up 45% from last year. I had to change to $10,000 deductible in order to afford it. Sorry about the hail damage. That's the worst! Good luck with the veggies. I have given up on my garden. I have a second back surgery scheduled for Aug 20th so it's a good thing. I wouldn't have been able to harvest anyway! I'm glad you are enjoying your time with Mike. Have a good day.

  5. It's driving my mom crazy trying to get things done and scheduled. My mom is going to look for new insurance after this is all taken care of.

    I'm glad that you're getting another surgery on your back. Hopefully this will help out.

    Have a great day! (((BIG HUG)))


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