
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Cleaning It Up

 "There is only so much energy available to us in life. Spending it on solving problems is one possible way of living your life, but this may leave you empty-hearted; spending it on what excites you is a lot more fulfilling and fun - and effortless; and usually, the previously experienced problems vanish on their own. We don't have to battle against the darkness when all we need to do is turn on the light." (Andrea Moritz)



Hello, my lovely friends!


      Happy Tuesday to y’all! Mother Nature is having her menopause days because it’s hot, hot, hot outside. We got to 99 yesterday and did nothing but stay inside and keep cool with the A/C on. Today a cool down is coming for a couple of days and then right back to the heat.


      We finished cleaning up the front yard, cutting everything down. I wanted to be able to just cut the flowers down with the Iris and peonies, but the leaves were so shredded. I just had to cut it all down. Now the front yard looks empty. We’re going to need to get some flowers for the flower pots and boxes in front. I thought we had the big dumpster on the street until Tuesday, but that came and picked it up yesterday/ At least we got the front yard done.


      The little man is getting groomed today. The heat has been horrible for him when he has to go outside. His summer cut is going to feel so good on him.. He also had to get his shots over the weekend and he wasn’t happy about that. I always feel bad because he gets so excited to go for a car ride and then it’s to get shots.


      Father’s Day wasn’t so bad for us. We stayed home and did some yardwork. It think being busy helped out a lot for both of us. We ended up having hot dogs because that was his favorite to have.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios…


  1. Mother Nature is once again off her meds. Extreme seems to be the only thing she knows.
    Stay cool. Stay safe. 🤗💖

    1. I love that, she's off her meds. The cool weather did come and we were in the mid 60's and it's sticking around until Friday. You stay cool too.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. What a great analogy for the heat dome Mother Nature is providing! That’s it exactly!

    Sorry that Mother Nature hasn’t been kind to your flowers. *SIGH*

    Good luck to Scooter getting groomed. That will feel good to him. Poor boy having to get his shots. Nobody likes them.

    Glad that you and your Mom had a peaceful Father’s Day and had hot dogs to remember your Dad. I am sure he was smiling. Dad loved his pizza, so that’s what we had.

    HOT HOT HOT here, so it’ll likely be mostly an inside day.

    Hugs and have a terrific Tuesday


    1. So many of you are suffering with the heat, stay cool.

      Our yard took such a beating. I have to cut it all down and we just have to start again.

      Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Sometimes doing something simple that reminds us of a loved one gone on helps keep them with us, close in memory! Yesterday, in memory of my brother, I drank my "clear liquid" juice from a commemorative glass obtained at the last race he and I ran in together (he ran the full marathon, I the half, we didn't run "together", but we both participated in the same run).

    Glad you and your mom did exactly that, remembering your Dad!

    And I'm sure Scooter will be happier all groomed!

    Hope your Tuesday is a good one!

    1. It's the little things that always remind us of our loved ones. That's a wonderful things that only you would know of. Scoots is feeling so much better now.

      Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. It's Kathy. I'm glad you got your front yard done. We have so much to do. We are in Roanoke, VA visiting my daughter and her family. It's really hot here too. We had to have the A/C on in the car the whole time. Daisy has so much fur, she's having a hard time with the weather too!

    1. Scoots was suffering, but now he's feeling good with all that hair gone. How fun, enjoy your time with your daughter. Stay cool.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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Catching Up

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