
Friday, June 21, 2024

All About Me #15

"To be happy you must let go of what's gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming." (Author Unknown)


Hello, my lovely friends!


       Here we are another Friday Funday! For today’s blog I thought let me put down a quick facts about me of things I love or dislike in the Summertime. As always let me know some of the things you like or don’t like about the summer. 


    Here we are another Friday Funday! For today’s blog I thought let me put down a quick facts about me when it comes to the summer. Some things I like, dislike, done or never done. As always let me know some of the summer things that you did.  


1. I love lemonade and try to make different flavors of it.

2. I love all citrus fruits and put them in my water most of the time.

3. I only paint my nails pinks, red, or corals during the summer.

4. As a kid I loved going to the drive-in and playing on the playground before the movie started. We saw many movies like Jaws 1 and 2 there.

5. I can only watch summer movies during the summer like Jaws, Gidget and other beach movies.

6. My mom would make cold fried chicken and potato salad in the summer and we still only have it in the summer.

7. I always air dry my curly hair and once it’s dry I put it up in a curly top on my head in a scrunchy and it stays in the same hairdo all summer long because of the heat.

8. I love popsicles more than ice cream.

9. I use lemons all year long, but especially in the summer.

10. I loved running through the water in the backyard as a kid. We would get all the things like the Slip-n-Slide fun times.

11. I don’t like fish, but like shellfish. I’ll eat tilapia and that’s about it.

12. I don’t like being out in the heat.

13. I love using the charcoal grill over the gas one. It taste so much better.

14. I don’t like sleeping under the covers in the summer. I normally sleep just on top of my quilt with no blankets.

15. I don’t like being out in nature because I hate bugs. You won’t find me fishing or hiking somewhere. I know I live in Colorado, but it’s not my thing.

16. I’ve been in both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans.

17. I’ve been on a small inflatable boat on the ocean and hated every moment of it because I don’t like not seeing the bottom of the water.

18. I have and this is the honest truth never had a smores. Really never and maybe it has to do with I’m not a fan of chocolate.

19. I have never went to a summer camp or went to summer school.

20. I don’t like the heat, duh!


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon, Adios...


  1. Never had a smore either mostly because it was just too messy for me. I hated being sticky. No to summer camp either. Not a fan of the heat either. Use to like walking in the woods and such until the invasion of deer ticks and their carrying lime disease now I won't go in the woods any more. I love citrus fruit in my water too. Have a great weekend.

    1. I would like to have one, but just never got around to making one. Maybe this summer I'll finally make one.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. Love strawberry lemonade!

    Citrus fruits are a favorite of mine, too. I do put it in m water, as well. But I love a good citrus salad (red and yellow grapefruit, ugli fruit, and mix in cherries or strawberries, drizzle with a bit of lemon juice and a touch of honey. So good.

    Don’t polish my nails. I am too hard on nail polish, it just doesn’t last for me.

    Only to the drive in a few times as a kid. I distinctly remember going to see Babes in Toyland @ the drive in as a kid. And Dr. Strange Love (NOT a kids movie, for sure, but my parents wanted to get out of the house).

    Oh I watch any kind of movie, no matter the season.

    Loved popsicles as a kid. Still do, but for some reason, they don’t love me.

    Loved swimming as a kid, for sure. Was on the swim team just to be in the pool!

    Probably use lemons most in the summer for making lemonade.

    I love salmon, shrimp, tilapia and crab. Love lobster, too, but that’s generally above my pay grade. LOL

    Heat and I do not get along, either.

    Charcoal grilling. . . taste best to me, too.

    I do sleep with just a sheet over me in the summer. Weird, I know.

    Oh my DH is the one who doesn’t like being out in Nature. Not a huge fan of bugs, but they do not bother me.

    Been in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, as well.

    Never been in an inflatable boat, and for sure, not in the ocean! I do not think I would enjoy that, either.

    I have had s’mores once as a kid. HATED it. I do like chocolate but hate marshmallows. LOL

    Never went to a summer camp, either, but during the summer my brothers and I would spend all day =n Saturdays @ the local YMCA. Had all kinds of lessons . . . swimming, cooking, knitting . . . . and the boys took wrestling, and weight lifting. We all took ice skating in the winter.

    Lots of great memories from the summer!

    Hugs and have a great weekend.


    1. I don't go in the ocean anymore, not my thing. Too much Jaws in my life. LOL I love reading everyone's memories about what they did.

      Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Not a fan of the heat. It was the drive-in for 4th of July, Fireworks at dark and a kids movie. Good memories. 🤗💖

    1. Its been cool here, but the heat is back and I'm not happy. They're already shooting off fireworks. I'm glad that it doesn't bother Scooter.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. It's Kathy. I'm also not loving the heat and we are in Roanoke, VA where it's pretty warm! I also love popsicles, lemonade, and shell fish; although my husband isn't a fan so we rarely have it. When I was a kid my parents had a lake home and I enjoyed spending most of our summers up there. Dad would take the bus to town on the weekends. It was great!

  5. Its hot everywhere and it's just not ending. I remember you mention the lake home, how lucky that must have been.

    Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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Catching Up

 "To be happy you must let go of what's gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming." (Author Unknown) ...

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