
Sunday, May 26, 2024

Dreading Some Things

"There are hundreds of paths up the mountain, all leading to the same place, so it doesn't matter which path you take. The only person wasting time is the one who runs around the mountain, telling everyone that his or her path is wrong." (Hindu proverb)

Hello, my lovely friends!


We have rain down here and snow up in the mountains, but the sun is coming back in a couple of days. YAY! Maybe I can finally get outside and mow the back yard and clean all that up. The past couple of years we’ve been in a kind of drought, but with all the snow and rain we are out of it for the whole state. I’m sure we’ll still have some wildfires this summer. Summer??? Can you believe that we’re only weeks away from summer? As of right now I’m still wearing my winter jammies to bed and in a day we’re going to be in June.


One of the things I’m excited about the month of June is the Farmer’s Markets start up again. That means a $10 bag of veggies and whatever else we can find there. There’s a market that I wanted to go to last year, but we never did. We have this shopping district that every store there is a locally owned. We’ve been meaning to go there but haven’t found the time to. This year we’re going because its not that far from us, just two neighborhoods away. I’ve been trying to get outside and grill something, but the rain comes in the afternoon and puts a damper on my plans for dinner.


The one thing I’m dreading about June, Father’s Day. Yesterday morning we went to see my Dad at the cemetery. We were happy to see all the flags on each grave, Someone also placed a penny on the every headstone.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Be Seeing You…



  1. Happy Memorial Day! 🤗💖

  2. I know. Last year we were in drought conditions. In my area anyhow, it is not anymore. Some areas of my state, however, are. Wish we could send some of the moisture to the areas in Canada that are so parched and prone to fires.

    Yes, summer is a mere week away. Unbelievable!

    I know . . . . my Dad would be 97 the last day of June. Quite the man, just like your Dad! ((HUGS))


  3. I love this time of year, as we transition from Spring to Summer! Ember has simply added to my enjoyment by giving me a reason to be outside so much more! (Don't ask me about this come next Winter, of course!)

    Hope you have a peaceful Sunday, and that Father's Day, while dreaded, treats you more gently than you anticipate!

    t'other Barb

  4. It's Kathy. I was so excited for an early spring but learned last week that it's very likely I'll have to have another back surgery this summer. So no garden because I won't be able to take care of it. It's nice that you and your mom visit your dad's grave. Happy Memorial Day to you both.


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