
Sunday, May 19, 2024

So Much Cooking



"Give yourself permission to immediately walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain or make sense of it. Just trust what you feel." (Author Unknown)

Hello, my lovely friends!


      It’s been a week or so since we’ve had just a chat about things and what’s been going on. This past week there’s been plenty of things going on in my life and I thought that we’d have a nice chat about it.


      Mother Nature has finally decided that we can have spring and the snowy days are done. We do have a couple of ski resorts still open because snow is still falling up in the mountains. Its been a dry winter season for us, but still the cold has stuck around for a while. I imagine our summer will be hot and dry as usual because our spring has been dry with very little rain here.  


      Things with Mike are still going well and the talk of what to do next has started to come up. We’ve talked about meeting in person, but where? Y’all know I’m in Colorado and he’s in Ohio. If things go into a forever sort of thing the talk of that will come up and we’ll have to seriously discuss it. For now I’m happy with how we’re getting to know each other and finding new things out that we have in common. The two of us really talk a lot about everything and nothing. I’m happy with how things are and what direction they are going.


      This week I’m finishing up cleaning up the backyard and then I can start planting my container garden. I already picked out the seeds I want to use this year. I think we’re going to finally get the front yard sculpted to take out more of the grass and we can plant a lot more things that will come up every year. I was looking at my containers the other day I the strawberries are growing back. I shockingly have lettuce coming up in a couple of the containers. I guess there were enough seeds that stuck around. I’m going to see how many come up.


      I’ve been cooking more and more, taking pictures to so I thought I end the blog with a bunch of things I’ve been posted.


Steak with Mushroom Risotto and Green Beans

Steak Salad

Shrimp Salad

Ramen with dumplings and shrimp

Chicken Mole with refried beans


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon…



  1. So happy for you that things are going well w/Mike. It’s good to take it a step @ a time. When I met Jason (on a cruise!) I lived in IL and he lived in NY. This was before the internet became a ‘thing’. Anyhow, we took turns visiting each other in our respective states, and little by little worked things out. If it’s meant to be, for you and Mike, it will! Enjoy right NOW.

    Nice you are getting to garden. Here, too. Just starting! How lovely to have strawberries coming already and lettuce!

    OMG! It would be harder than hard to pick a favorite of you meals! They ALL look delicious. Had to look up menudo. Never had that before. Looks delicious.

    Hugs and blessings to y’all!


    1. I love that story with Jason. I agree if it's meant to be it'll work out. This just feels right and different from anything else every. I never thought of growing old with someone and I do with him. We have plans to fly out to each state and see each other. We already have both our moms involved.

      We always start mid-May because we still get low 30's overnight. I have to start putting it together this week, especially my tomatoes.

      Thank you, I've been really "chefy" this past couple of weeks. My mom sure is enjoying everything.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. It's Kathy. I'm glad things are going well with Mike and that you two have so much in common. It's nice to have someone to talk to who understands. I think I fell in love with my husband over the phone! Love all the photos of the food that you are making. I wish I was a better cook, or at least that I took the time to be a better cook. We have also entered into spring - almost summer-like weather. It's been in the 80's for a couple of days but today just in the 70's. I'm torn about what to do with my gardens. It's very possible I will have to have another back surgery this summer - I see the surgeon on the 23rd and a neurosurgeon on the 30th. So I'm not sure I'll be able to take care of any gardens! I'm working to get the plots ready for now and will decide after my consultations! Have a lovely Sunday!

    1. The two of us talk so much about everything and nothing at the same time. We just know so much and have a lot in common. This one feels different.

      I've been cooking up a storm and my mom is enjoying it all. I hope that your back surgery is a success and you feel better.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. The food looks soooo yummy! Like Barb, I had to Google menudo. Do you really use cow's feet?
    The new wallpaper is refreshing. 'Tis the season for lemonade/limeade.
    Have a happy Sunday!!

    1. Thank you Jeanne. I don't use cow's feet, just the tripe. You know I have to put lemons out there, I love them.

      Enjoy the day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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