
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Felling Good About Life

 "Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well. We cheat ourselves and the world if we don't use that ability as best we can." (Gracie Allen)

Hello, my lovely friends!


      It’s official I’m back here now! I really needed that time, it gave me some much needed rest to relax and not feel pressured to get a blog out there. It also gave me the time to miss doing this and I especially missed you all.


      So a couple weeks ago we were hit with a major hail storm late one night. It went on for a good twenty minutes and it was bad. We have damage to the house; siding, fence, flowers, and the roof. Our flowers were just starting to bloom and now all are destroyed. You can’t even cuts just the blooms because the leaves are damaged too. So this summer will be spent having contractors in and out repairing everything that was damaged. I have to just cut everything down in the flower



      Today we have the lawn service coming to finally out an end to the Aspen tree farm we get every year in the yard. We’re having them cut all the aspen trees down. Then they’re going to kill the stumps. The roots from the trees are now wrapping around the sprinkler system to and that is becoming an issue. Right now we have a huge dumpster in from of our house and will stay until Tuesday. So we’re going to clean up everything and dump it all  in there. 


      Finally we got picked to go to Casa Bonita and went on Thursday. This is the place that my dad loved taking us to for Valentine’s Day. The placed closed and then the guys from South Park bought it. The fixed things up and changed the menu. We went for lunch and it was $29.99 per person and before we got there we already paid. Dinner is $39.99 and for the price it wasn’t worth it. We walked around looking at things and had a nice time, but it is pricey.  The only way you can go is if your email is picked like having a golden ticket.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon,  Adios…





  1. So sorry about your hail damage. Having just been through having contractors everywhere, I don't envy you the recovery process. I'll be thinking of you as you go through it!

    What beautiful photos of indeed a "casa bonita". Well named!

    Hope you have a peaceful weekend!

    1. The vultures are out and the flyers on the door are out of control. We already have some appointments set up. Thanks Barb.

      We had a nice time there, but that price. It's more of a special thing to go to now.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. That was sure an awful storm to have so much damage. You will be so busy this summer for sure. Hope your mom is doing well and Scooter. Take care.

    1. It was scary when it was going on. We really thought one of the windows was going to go, but thankfully it didn't. It's going to keep us busy.

      Have a wonderful weekend (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Hail storms are the worst. Repairs continue from the hail damage 18 months ago.
    Thank you for the photo tour of Casa Bonita. Beautiful pictures.
    Sounds like yard work will fill the summer days and maybe on into the fall. 😟
    Happy Saturday! 🤗💞

    1. Yes, they really are the worst. Waiting around to get things fixed is driving me nuts. We have a summer of working in the yard and maybe that's what we both need.

      It was nice to go to Casa Bonita and spend some time in there.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. For sure, sometimes we need that break, we need to miss something and then be drawn back to it!

    Wow, so sorry to hear so much extensive damage was done to your property from that hail storm. It will definitely be a busy summer for your Mom and you.

    Sounds like the removal of the aspen trees is another huge project!

    Hmmm . . . never heard of such a way of going to a restaurant . . . by invitation. But at least you got to experience it. Wow! Looks like it is quite spectacular to see, though! Thanks for sharing the pictures.

    Good to have you back!

    Hugs and blessings

    1. I needed that break to get me back into my groove of things.

      We had some work already started on the outside. It's going to be a busy summer for us outside. My mom wants to get the front sculpted and then lots of plants and some flowers.

      Hopefully they'll open and everyone can go without invitation.

      Have a great weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  5. It's Kathy. So sorry about the hail damage. There has been threats of hail for us but so far nothing has come. Wow, what a restaurant. I'm glad you had a chance to go but that's a really lot of money for lunch/dinner. Love the pictures though - seems like an interesting place!

    1. Thanks Kathy. Hail was falling a few days ago and I'm sure the whole neighbor was holding their breathe hoping for no more damage.

      It was nice to go there, but yeah that price is insane. It for special occasions only.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))


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