
Saturday, January 6, 2024

Finding Your Balance


“I like these cold, gray winter days. Days like these let you savor a bad mood.”

(Bill Watterson)


Hello, my lovely friends!


          What is balance? Sitting on mat chanting an "Ohm" or two? Sweating it out in a yoga room with a bunch of other people? Writing in a journal all the thoughts coming out of your head for an hour? Cutting out pictures in magazines and putting it together in a collage? You keep searching and searching for balance, but have you found it yet? Finding balance, it's not about yoga, meditating or all those inner peace things. Granted they work for people, but if it doesn't for you what do you do now?


          I love, love, love the movie "Eat, Pray, Love", and like so many other women wish that I could just drop everything in my life and go travel for a year to find my balance. We live vicariously through Julia Roberts eating pasta in Italy, meditating in India and finding a true love and balance in Bali, if only life could be like the movies. Yes, it's based on a true story, but you know how movies can always embellish the truth here and there. However, the story is one of finding balance and that is something that so many of us are looking for.


          We think that if we master something like yoga or meditating that we will finally have the balance we are longer for, but it's not that. Balance is not about learning to do yoga or meditating or some guru, but it's all about you. Balance is in you. What might balance one person, won't work for another. There are people that can sit for an hour or two straight for their balance, while someone else can't even sit still in silence for five minutes. You have to find your balance within, doing something that will give you that is the hard part sometimes.


          I firmly believe that finding balance all depends on the person. One of us may find it while going about housework in a quiet house, it gives us time to think and reflect. You can find it in making a recipe from scratch or pampering yourself. Balance can be in your morning yoga, journaling at night or taking a small nap in the afternoon. If one thing doesn't work for you, don't give up, find something else that may.  I also think that finding balance doesn't mean you have to spend money or a lot of time to get it, keeping it simple also works.


Here are some of the things to get your balance in order


1)      Silence- So meditating is not your thing, enjoy some silence. Make a cup of tea or coffee, sit with a book or nothing at all and just be. Or enjoy the outside and listen to nature.


2)    Go for a walk- Walk your favorite path and enjoy it, listen to the sounds and see the sights out there. Pay attention to your breathing also. Use this kind of walk for enjoyment, not with the idea of exercise. So you can take you time walking.


3)    Take a nap- Babies and little children do it, why not you? Take an afternoon nap once a week or on the weekends. Let your family know that this is your time for the next hour or two and do not disturb you. Put on some soothing music and go to dream land.


4)    Read an inspiring book theres so many books and subjects to choose from. Look online or hang out in your local library to see if anything grabs you.


5)   Journal I love to sit and just write. I have so many journals and most are blank, but eventually Ill write in them. Get yourself a journal and out down what youre grateful for. Sometimes Ill just start writing and let your emotions come out.


          Finding balance is not a one size fits all kind of deal. You need to find what works for you, what you can do and do it religiously. This year you need to put yourself back on top of that list, do things for yourself and the balance will come in time.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk soon…


  1. What a great post! Sometimes it's not just one of the things on the list, but a combination of several. Take a good book along on a walk to a quiet place. Sit, read, and enjoy the sounds of nature. Thanks for sharing.
    Happy Saturday! 🤗💕

    1. Thanks Jeanne. I had my thinking cap for this one on. LOL So many things that you can do to get balance in your life.

      Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS))))

  2. definitely walking and journaling are go-to's for me to remain balanced. I do meditation, too, which helps. Indeed, balance is different for each person!

    Hugs and hope you, your Mom and Scooter have a good weekend.


    1. I've been working on different things and creating good habits. I'm doing pretty good,

      Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Great post! So much to think about. I love walking with Daisy but the older I get the harder it is to go out in the cold! I've been away from yoga for a few years now due to health issues but am trying to get back into it. I'm also trying meditation but my mind does wander! Have a great day.

    1. Things change with age and you have to adjust. That's what I'm learning now. You're doing a great job with things.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. As the mood swings and the rebel and the rule-follower in my head face off... this was good to read. We all need balance!

    Thank you, and hope your weekend is a good one!

    1. Thank you. Yes, balance is important and since we're all thinking of a clean slate with the new year. It's perfect timing.

      Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))


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