
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Under Construction

"Acting in your own best interests isn't selfish. In fact, its the only way to truly honor your soul." (Cheryl Richardson)


Hello, my lovely friends!

    Do you ever feeling your weight loss journey is one big construction site? I think that's how you should think of it. You have to work on it a little at a time in order to get it completed. Many people look for those magic pills or a wand that will take those pounds off in a snap, but it's not that easy. We all know that or we wouldn't be here.


    It seems every Monday, beginning of the month, season or year rolls around and we all vow to do it this time. We find some new diet book or craze that is going on and this is the time that we are going to get those pounds off once and for all. We jump in feet first ready to take off and pretty much crash and burn within two weeks, more or less. You start making those excuses, skip a day or two, tell yourself that it's okay you had a couple of doughnuts because you'll workout an extra hour tomorrow.


    I could look at my book shelves right now and tell you all the different diet books I have; the South Beach Diet, the Sonoma Diet. the Flat Belly Diet, French Women Don't Get Fat, The Biggest Loser books and I could go on and on. I subscribe to Health, Whole Living, Cooking Light, Eating Well etc. I have tons of workout videos and DVDs, yoga blocks, jump ropes, hand weights and a treadmill. My fridge is stocked with fresh fruits and veggies, but you can also see things not so good for me, like all fat dressings, tons and tons of condiments for everything. Starting to see the picture here or maybe it's your picture too. You can have everything including the knowledge to lose the weight, but until you get everything in your head all sorted out, it will be a revolving door of lose a little gain more back.


    I'm one for being organized and planned out, but only when it comes to my weight loss and my blogs. I have to have things set up and planned out. I have a bag that holds a 3 ring binder that is my weight loss binder with charts and what not, yeah it's been gathering dust this year so far. It also has my food diary, journal and other things for my weight loss. I do have a spiral that I put down what kind of blogs I want to do and what ideas for beauty and food blogs. I'm super organized that way, but my life I go with what I want at that time. I don't plan my life out because I feel for me, too much planning of daily things might make me miss something fun. Life is too short to just have it all planned out for yourself. I know super easy for me to say with no kids and yeah maybe it is, but you and your life matters to. You need to take care of you and enjoy things.


    You need to get out of your head that if you don't lose a significant amount of weight within two weeks of whatever new diet you started that it's not working and you move on to the next one. You have to put in the time, even a long time in order for it to really work. You have to get things right within in order to get them right outside.


With that said this is what I'm working on this week for myself..............


1. Adding more water to my day - For Lent I gave up pop and had some this past week and decided I'm done with it for good. I bought a bunch of lemons and will use them in my water and even slicing up a couple and letting them sit in my water pitcher for a refreshing way to drink water.


2. Dust off the Food Diary - I mentioned I have one and starting Monday will be writing in it again and measuring what I'm eating instead of winging it.


3. Cutting back on the coffee and adding more green tea - I drink three to four cups of coffee a day. While I enjoy my coffee I don't drink it black and do add the cream and sweetener to it which is not good. This week I'm going to try and replace my coffee with green tea or any herbal tea will do. The point is to find ways to have something hot to drink without all that sugar from the cream.


Take those small steps, change one thing this coming week and add something new and healthy to eat and do. Make that your focus for the whole week and then when you think you've got that down add and change more until you have that healthy lifestyle you've always wanted. 


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!


  1. You are right. You can have all the tools, but . . . . if your HEAD isn’t into the change, you’re stalled. The bottom line is . . . what we put in our mouth and the exercise we do (or not!) makes the difference.

    Your tips are the foundation for a good nutrition plan – more water, write in food diary (keeps us accountable!), weighing and measuring . . . . knowing portion sizes! . . . and choosing the hot beverage that works for you.

    Small steps = big changes. Right with you! Together we can do it!


  2. Fail to plan; plan to fail. Have a great week! 🤗💖

  3. It's Kathy. Yep, you could very well be talking about me. I really want to lose more weight but I don't want to change my habits. For years at least I've been good about exercising, I loved going to the gym, but they've made my wonderful gym into something of a sweat shop with pieces of equipment (none of what I like to work on) everywhere. Add to that the pain I've been having for the last few months - well, exercise has taken a back seat to trying to manage the pain. Thankfully I have appointments with my back surgeon and also a Neurosurgeon coming up toward the end of May - hopefully they will have something to tell me! Whatever happened with your knee???

  4. It's so much of what we learned in Spark community... small changes, applied consistently. I had been back-sliding pretty badly the whole last year, until Easter, well, maybe the week before Easter. Easter is when Ember entered my life in person... uh, in canine, that is. I started eating better, and just being busy taking care of her is taking care of the activity side. I did not drop the personal trainer, and am working hard at balancing LIFE with LOVE of puppy!

    Voila, she's growing like a weed, and I'm shrinking, slowly, but happily. We know how to do it, the challenge is of course to do what we know!

    Together, we CAN! Have a wonderful week ahead! Give Scoots some extra lovin' on behalf of a new doggy-mom!


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