
Friday, April 26, 2024

All About Me #9


Great theatre is about challenging how we think and encouraging us to fantasize about a world we aspire to. (Willem Dafoe)


Hello, my lovely friends!


        It’s Friday Funday and you know the drill. I went to the theatre twice this month and thats what Im going with this week for facts, the theatre. I hope you enjoy this weeks facts.


1. In 4th grade we did an end of the year play about the tall legends like Calamity Jane and Paul Bunyan.. I didn’t get a lead row, but I did have a few lines during the Calamity Jane part. My parents came during the day to see the show. My first time on stage.


2. When I was a sophomore in high school I auditioned for a part in the school play, Dracula. I tried out for the maid ad was told we needed a British accent. I knew how to do one because of years watching wrestling. I got the part and this is the play where my dad gave me flowers instead of the beer. LOL


3. My aunt Bernadette would ask each of her nieces and nephew when they graduated high school what they wanted. For a graduation present. I t was 1991 and one of the biggest plays was “Phantom of the Opera” and they were now touring. I told her that’s what I wanted, but it wasn’t coming any time soon, but I told her I’ll wait. I had to wait another year for it sand it was worth every minute of waiting. It’s been here a total of nine times and we’ve been every time it tours here.


4. There’s only been one play that I’ve been too that I could have left during intermission because I didn’t like it at all and it was….Mary Poppins. Now I love the movie, Julie Andrews is incredible, but the play. Eh, they change a few things from the movie and it was crazy changes that I was already checked out from the play. I was amazed with her flying through the theatre though.


5, We try to go to at least four plays a year and a Christmas show. The fist time I saw “The Nutcracker” I was hooked. It’s the ballet I watch every Christmas. Sometimes the show is better in the lobby seeing all the little girls dressed to the nines in their Christmas outfits.


6. There are a handful of plays that we will see every time they come to town: Phantom, Les Mis, Love Never Dies, Wicked, Rent, and now The Moulin Rouge. I keep all my playbills from each play all they way back to my teen years. I used to have the tickets too, but since Covid everything is now on the phone.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!



  1. Nothing beats live theater! While we were stationed in Spain, I joined the base little theater group. While being on stage is not my thing, working with costumes, stage props and sets was a thrill.
    Have a happy Friday! 🤗💖

    1. If I could go back I would have loved to work in a theater backstage doing something.

      Enjoy your weekend (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. Never heard Lulu’s version of Shout! Wonderful.

    Enjoyed Sandie Shaw’s Puppet On a String. LOVE those 60 styles.

    Enjoyed Helen Shapiro’s Walking Back to Happiness.

    Enjoyed Save Your Kisses for Me.

    Never heard Billie Piper, but enjoyed it.

    Wonderful pictures!

    HOPE that the hayfever settles down. So annoying.


  3. Ah, the theatre! My memories of participating go back to Jr. High school, and having a HUGE crush on the student teacher. In Summer School we did a production of "Six Who Pass While The Lentils Boil". I played the Narrator, and in this part I was required to play the guitar and sing. I learned only enough chords for the part, and I could not repeat them today... but it's an experience to learn and perform, not to be missed in life.

    I also played Albert's Mother in Bye, Bye Birdie in High School, and it was confusing because we had 3, count 'em 3 directors and it seemed to me they gave conflicting advice/direction. Regardless, it was a non-singing part, and that's what I wanted. It was my one and only experience playing a sort-of villain, too.

    Love your Friday "all about me" posts... there is so much to any individual's life, and I enjoy finding those places where friends connect in their backgrounds!

    1. That had to be lots of fun doing all that. I enjoy doing the posts it gets me to think about things a long time ago.

      Have a wonderful weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. It's Kathy. Fun facts about you! I took an acting class at the YWCA when I was in junior high but that's the extent of my acting ability. I do love the Nutcracker but having 5 children it was too expensive to get tickets. One year my friend sent me 7 tickets to the Nutcracker, my husband didn't want to go so I took my 5 children and my oldest daughter's friend. It was so much fun! One year for Christmas my son gave us tickets to see Flashdance - that was amazing. And he's taken us to see Scrooge once too! I do wish we could afford to do more things like that but these days just going to the grocery store is quite a hit!

    1. I here you on the prices of things going up and up. It's crazy.

      The price for a big family is a lot. How nice you got tickets sent to you from a friend.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))


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