
Monday, March 4, 2024

The Struggle



  1. This is Kathy, finally figuring out how to post on your blog! I do believe this blog was just for me. I can't tell you how hard things are for me right now. Just spent 2 1/2 days with my son, DIL and 4 year old grandson who never stops moving or making noise. A Saturday birthday party for another grandson who turned 4 which was kind of a disaster. My father of my daughter's 2 boys (she left him because of domestic assault) has filed for custody and is filling those boys with nonsense about living with him. They are both on the autism scale and aren't taking it very well. The first court date was last Wednesday - I stayed with the boys. So I read every single one of these and will probably save a few to reread on a regular basis. I am getting stronger! Thanks Paula!

  2. ((HUGS)) to you and anyone else struggling. Life is a mix of challenges and victories. We cannot give up !


  3. When your reach the end of your rope...tie a knot and hang on. 💐🤗❤️

  4. When you are going through hell.... keep going - Ducky


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