
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

It's Howling Out There


"To be happy you must let go of what's gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming." (Author Unknown)


Hello, my lovely friends! 


      As I type this up Mother Nature must be mad at someone because the winds are beating down on us that it feels like the house is going to blow down. It’s been blowing like mad for two days now. I keep checking outside to make sure the trash cans didn’t fall over and it’s all good so far. Our weather has been warm with a little coolness here and there. The mountains are still getting snow, but nothing down here. I think our snow is done until autumn. Now watch us get hit next week, LOL.


      On Saturday we went to see Cher the play. We were really looking forward to it, but it was not so good. The story was so so and it felt like it was more about Sonny. They sound was also horrible and we were in the second row. My mom was checked out before intermission. The second part was better. I won’t go see that one again. Normally with the opening number you get all excited and want to see it again, but not with this one. We won’t go see this one again.


      I hate having to wait five months to see if any changes happened, but I do know they know what’s best. So. I’m just going to trust in the process and believe that nothing else will happen. My knee is also pretty much healed up and I’m walking around normal. I can go upstairs normal, but down is still difficult.


      How is everyone doing? It feels like forever since we chatted about what was going on. Anyone planting yet? I’m cleaning out the containers and will put fresh dirt in them because I think it’s been three growing seasons with that dirt. I should probably have new dirt in there. I think I'm going to put my seeds together and see what I want to plant this year.


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon…


  1. Stay safe in the winds. I have a friend in Colordo Springs who was talking about the winds, too.

    Sorry Cher the play was disappointing. But at least now you know.

    Glad you are more @ peace with the watch and wait decision. But. . . you know, if things change you can always talk to the Dr again. So, nothing is written in stone. I’ve learned that lesson!

    No planting, but the containers and tools are all ready for action. Do have the garden bed prepared.

    Meeting my DS and his fiancée Crystal for lunch on Thursday. That will be nice. They are both so busy don’t see them often enough.

    Hope you Mom is doing all right. And of course, Scooter, too.


    1. It's been windy for a couple of days now. I want to cut the grass today and fertilizer it because rain is coming the next day. I'm prepping my containers too. Hopefully can plant some things next week. I was so late last year.

      That should be exciting to spend some time with them for lunch. I hope you have a wonderful time.

      Enjoy your day! (((Big Hugs)))

  2. The weather. The weather makes me tired and cranky. We've gone from drought conditions to flooding. Last night there were tornadoes in several of the nearby small towns. Damage is still be assessed, but no deaths have been reported. My yard tractor and I would really like to see sunshine and drier weather. The grass is in desperate need of a cut.
    Happy Tuesday! Stay well. 🤗💖

    1. That's a lot of weather, bad weather too. At least there were no deaths.

      Our grass is starting to look bad and I'm going to get out there and cut it today. Hopefully its not windy.

      Have a wonderful day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. It's Kathy. We had a very windy day yesterday too. It really picked up toward evening. I am trying to get out to clear my gardens, some of them I want to put back to grass, can't handle a big garden anymore. But it keeps raining off and on! Right now the sun is shining so I hope I can get outside for a bit this afternoon. I, too, have to look at my seeds to decide what to plant. I had a CT Scan on Saturday - still having trouble with my back with pain down my right leg. Turns out I have a narrowing of the L4-L5 vertebrae which probably means I'll have to have another surgery. Not too happy about that one! I see the surgeon on 5/23 and a neurosurgeon on 5/30. So I understand the waiting thing!

    1. I have to put the raised bed tables we got last year. I want to have everything ready and then plant everything.

      Oh no Kathy, I'm sorry that your back is giving your problems again. Praying that everything goes well for you.

      Enjoy your day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. We have had wind, too. This afternoon, out in the back yard, Ember and I... I'm watching her ears in the wind, as she's watching the leaves, and smelling the breeze. She's so stinking cute one forgives her puppyhood! She's having some digestive issues at present, and it's making her cranky, as puppies go.

    But my heart is full of it all!

    1. Nothing like seeing things through a new eyes with a puppy. She's a cutie too. Hopefully she gets better soon.

      Have a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))


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