
Friday, April 19, 2024

It's All About Me #8

 "The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." (Dr. Seuss)


Hello, my lovely friends!


      It’s Friday Funday and that means another handful of Paula stuff. This week I thought I’d talk about my personality. I know you can get a sense of some things here and there, but there is much more to my madness that makes me who I am.


1. I’m a very picky person with everything, but not annoying about it. I’m picky about things like pens, what kinds of lines I like on paper, what brand of nail polish I use. Things that really pertain to only me. Even loading the conveyor belt with groceries I do it a certain way. It’s not an OCD thing, but it’s a method to my madness thing.


2. Seriously do not mess with me, I’m just a sweetie until you cross a line. It does take a lot to cross a line with me because I’m a laid back person. I’m a fierce mama bear when it comes to five things: my mom, my sister and my three nephews. I’ll go to hell and back with someone who messes or hurts any of them. I’ll even throw in my brother-in-law in this too. I’m this short little thing, but boy watch out if you cross me or mess with them. OUCH!


3. I’m not one to stress about much. I really get this attitude from my dad who never showed emotions or stress about anything. I never worry about what tomorrow will be because I’ll just wait until tomorrow. If I can’t control the outcome of something why stress yourself about it.


4. I’m have a quirky sense of humor. I try not to take anything too serious and use humor to lighten things up. It’s better to live in laughter because we’ve had too much sadness.


5. I’m really as sweet as they come. They weirdness and kind person you read daily is really how I am in real life. I don’t try to be other people to certain people. This is me and if you like me YAY, but if not well that’s their loss.


6. I’ve said it a few times, but I am an introvert and always have been. I prefer to be alone for things and okay with that. I have a handful of friends, but they’re good ones. I’ve never been one to want to have the most friends or be the popular person growing up.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!



  1. Thanks for sharing. Have a happy Friday! 🤗💖

    1. Thanks Jeanne!

      Hope you had a great day! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. You are your own person and true to that person. That's a gift!

    Had to chuckle. I am short, too, but . . . if you cross me, you will find out that I am a force to be reckoned with, doesn't matter my stature! LOL

    Here's to a good weekend. HUGS


    1. I always say if you cross me I'll rip your head off and eat it for dinner. LOL Us shorties are tough.

      Enjoy your weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. Yep... same tribe. We used to pick on my brother (my older sister and I) when we were kids, but boy, howdy, nobody else better mess with him! Of course he grew up to be tall and strong and didn't need us to defend him any more. But we would, anyway!

    You left out Scooter! I'm quite certain if anybody tried to mess with your little man, it would be game on!

    "Though she be small, she is mighty!"

    I'm glad to know you, through your writings, and introverts R Us. Some folks wear introverts out, and if you have a few good friends that you can be comfortable around, that's plenty.

    Have a wonderful Friday, full of being yourself, and content to be so!

    1. Yes as an introvert I can get word out by people and need my alone time. I have my little groups and I like it that way.

      That is our job as siblings to torture them, but defend them as well.

      Enjoy the weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. It's Kathy. I also consider myself an introvert which is funny because when I worked I was in Human Resources and the whole thing was about making sure other people were doing okay. But then they were MY people! I also will go to bat for people I love but now that my children are grown up there's not a whole lot I can do! Have a lovely weekend.

    1. I love being an introvert and having my space and time to myself.You know I enjoy Christmas by myself.

      Have a lovely weekend! (((BIG HUGS)))


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