
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Catching Up

 "To be happy you must let go of what's gone. Be grateful for what remains. Look forward to what is coming." (Author Unknown)

Hello, my lovely friends!


      How are you all doing? It’s been a million years since I hear what’s going on with all of you. How are you? What’s been going on?


      So, remember a few years back when I fell out of the car and hurt my knee? Did I tell you all that I re-injured stretching my legs? I thought it healed up and that I only bruised something. Well. It looks like it might be serious. It started acting up last weekend and it’s just keeps bothering me. I finally made an appointment to go get it checked on Friday morning. I’m hoping its something simple that doesn’t requires much. If it’s not one things, it’s another.


      My mom went to her kidney doctor to get results of all the test and see how things are. The doctor said nothing looks bad and he’s not losing sleep over her like other patients he is. He told her to keep doing what she is and cut back on. My mom was happy because she finally got some good news, She’s been worried about her kidneys and now she has some good news.


      Our weather has been beautiful and we hit 80 the other day. I’s like the warmer weather if it stayed like this, but I know the heat is coming. Although on the news the word snow in Denver was mentioned for next week. This is our typical weather and why we don’t plant anything outside until after Mother’s Day. This coming week I’m going to preparing my counters to plant my veggies this season. I’m going to look through my seeds and see what I’m going to use. I also want to see how the tables will look on the patio


Thank you so much for stopping by today.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk Soon


  1. Good luck with your appointment on Friday. Great news about your mom. Mother Nature is sooo fickle. A weather roller coaster ride seems to be the normal. Looking forward to watching your garden grow through the beautiful photos you post. Have a wonderful day!! 🤗💖

  2. Awwww, sorry to hear about your knee. HOPE it’s easily fixable.

    Glad your Mom’s check uyp went well. Relief!

    Yes, the weather is still too up and down here, too, so no planting til after Mother’s Day here, too.

    HUGS and blessings to both of you, and Scooter, too.


  3. It's Kathy. I am also sorry to hear about your knee but how great that you are able to see a doctor so soon. My back surgery almost 2 years ago now solved the nerve problem on the inside of my right leg, but lately I've been having some back pain that is causing me pain in my right thigh and it travels down to my knee. Makes it really hard to walk. I finally got an appointment - May 23rd! But I'm working on trying to understand why it's happening - really just started a couple months ago. Our weather guy keeps saying for those who are planting, bring things in over the next couple of months. I would NEVER plant before Mother's day either! Let us know how it goes with the doctor.


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