
Sunday, January 14, 2024

Surviving Cold Season


"There is nothing like staying at home for real comfort."  (Jane Austen)


 Hello, my lovely friends!


    It's Winter time and while that means snow which I love, it also means flu and cold season. No one is a fan of getting sick, but when you do I have some tips, tricks that can help you get through that cold.


Tips to do when you're sick...

1. Stay hydrated ~ it never fails when you can get dehydrated. I tend to get dry mouth because of the medication I take (most of you know all about that story) and I need to drink lots of water. I love my mason jars and will throw in some lemon slices and fill up my jar constantly.


2. If you have a sore throat with your cold hot tea, I usually use green tea. I will add some lemon slices and a squeeze or two of honey. It helps soothe your throat.


3. If you're all stuffed up and are desperate to clear up make a cup of hot tea and throw in five cough drops. (the Halls ones work the best because it has that menthol feel to them). I just make a plain regular tea and drop in the cough drops, don't add sweetener or honey just the cough drops. It really does open you up.


4. Still stuffy? Get a bowl add some Vicks menthol rub to it (go with a spoon full) and add hot water to it. Get a towel and place your head over the bowl with a towel over your head to keep the vapors in. Breathe in and out to open yourself up.


5. Take the right medication ~ there's so many medications out there and they are for so many different symptoms. Make sure you're taking the right one for what is going on for you now because if you're not it's not going to work well for you.


6. You need to get plenty of rest because well, you're sick and not at full strength. If you are able to just rest. Grab a comfy blanket, your hot tea and rest on the couch or go back to bed.


Those are my tips and tricks. If you have one put them in the comments below for all to see.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk soon…


  1. All great tips. To help avoid all the miseries: wash, wash, wash, those hands! Stay healthy. 🧼🤗💞

    1. Yes, I should have put that one on. All about staying healthy.

      Have a great Sunday! (((BIG HUGS)))

  2. I just love Vicks when I am feeling under the weather, use it constantly and the smell besides opening me up just makes me feel good too. Great invention. Take care!

    1. It is great to use, always reminds me when I was a kid and my mom would put on my chest to help me breathe.

      Enjoy your Sunday! (((BIG HUGS)))

  3. All great suggestions. Even if you are out of cough drops and Vicks, boiling water and the towel over the head is a good "natural" decongestant! Or even a hot shower. I'm a minimalist when it comes to medications, so I have used everything from a hot washcloth to adjusting my posture!

    Big hugs and hope you are and stay well!

    1. Medication in general is hard on me because of my addiction in the past. So thank you for the natural suggestions.

      Have a wonderful Sunday! (((BIG HUGS)))

  4. Definitely . . . wash the hands constantly! And chicken soup. Cures what ails you. I LOVE the suggestion about the cough drops in the tea! I will remember that one.

    Hope you are feeling better!


    1. I've had so much chicken soup you'd think I lay an egg by now. LOL

      Have a great Sunday! (((BIG HUGS)))

  5. Great tips. I'm hoping my October cold will be it for me this year. I love the quote. This is day 2 of my staying inside. Winter has arrived with a vengence!

    1. I haven't been this sick in a while. I've been staying in my room away from my mom so she doesn't get it. Hopefully I'll be over it soon. It is so cold here.

      Have a great Sunday! (((BIG HUGS)))


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