“Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.” (Author unknown)
Hello, my lovely friends,
Tomorrow marks the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday. I remember as a child, it was simply 'the day we gave up meat and something else until Easter.' With a day off tomorrow, I'm taking the opportunity to reflect and share my intentions for these next forty days now.
Lent is usually my 'give up pop' season, but this year feels different. My recent blood test results were a wake-up call, and I need to prioritize my health. So, instead of just pop, I'm making a serious commitment. I'm cutting out all caffeine—yes, even my beloved, cream-laden coffee—and breaking my late-night snacking habit. Those evenings spent blogging and munching on chips are definitely contributing to my health concerns. I'm confident that addressing these two areas will lead to real improvements, as my daytime eating is generally quite good.
We've enjoyed a stretch of gorgeous, sunny days, but brace yourselves – winter's returning tonight. Expect snow and a sharp drop in temperatures, and unfortunately, we won't see a reprieve until the weekend. I know many of us will be impacted, so please prioritize safety and stay home if possible. I'm making a quick run for essentials like milk, then hunkering down for a few days.
On a brighter note, I finally nailed that pizza I've been craving! It was a hit, and I also whipped up a healthy meal for my Scoots: beef meatballs with veggies and brown rice. Scooter, my curious kitchen companion, was right there for taste-testing, and he gave the meatballs a paws-up! Even my mom, a pizza skeptic, declared it my best yet. We made a sheet pan-sized feast, so we're set for a few nights. The aroma alone was enough to draw everyone into the kitchen.
Thank you for stopping by! Wishing you a day/evening/morning filled with sunshine, laughter, and perhaps a little bit of magic. Until next time, ta-ta for now!