
Friday, June 28, 2024

All About Me #16


"When you reach the end of the road; There's only one thing to do; Build more road." (Ashleigh Brilliant)


Hello, my lovely friends!


    Today I thought we'd talk about the sports stuff in my life. Did you do any kinds of sports?


1. As a kid our local community pool did free swimming lessons in the summer. My mom and a few moms on the block would go early in the morning to sign us all up for lessons. Every year I would take the next lesson and the last lesson you would have to dive off the diving board and that thing scared me. You have to remember I grew up in the 70’s and that’s when “Jaws” came out and you add on my fear of not seeing the bottom of the water made jumping off a diving board scary for me. I believe I was around ten when my swimming teacher was in the water and I would walk to the edge of the diving board and then turned around and walk off. I did this for a year and by the following summer I decided that I would jump. A few days before the pool closed for the season I jumped and then proceeded to jump over and over that day.


2. In the summer all the kids on the block would play kick ball, hide-n-go-seek, and whatever else game we could think of. My favorite was “Freeze”. You would play this when it was darker and when a car would pass we would all freeze like a statue when the car passed. Sometimes on the weekends we would play kick ball and my dad would join one of the teams and he could really kick the ball far. The other families would all hangout on the driveways talking and watching us play games.


3. In grade school my favorite thing to do during recess was the ringers or tether-ball. The majority of the time I would be on the ringers. I would skip a ringers and got really good at it, but the downfall was I would get blood blisters from it. When I would get them my mom would tell me not to get on the ringers and those days I would play tether-ball. I enjoyed playing it so much my dad put one in our backyard and I would play for hours in the yard.


4. I love pro-wrestling and have since I was little. My dad would watch AWA wrestling on Sunday mornings when I was a kid and then I started with WWF way back in the day. I have been to so many wrestling shows when they come to Denver and even a handful of TV tapings and Pay-Per-View shows. It has remained my #1 guilty pleasure that I will always watch. When I graduated high school I got a job working security for the concourse at the airport. Once time the wrestlers were coming down after having a show the night before. I got autographs from Bret Hart , The Undertaker and a few other wrestlers.


5. My dad worked at the University of Denver and he could get tickets to the hockey games for the Pioneers. The games were usually on a Friday night. We would have a snack at home and go to the game. We would eat hot dogs from the game for dinner and the four of us would watch the game. My mom would really get into it. When my sister went to college there we would still go to the games, but she would be in the bleachers with the other students. They called them the “Bleacher Creatures”. When I went to college there my dad could still get tickets just not as often because the team was winning lots of titles.


6. In 8th grade we had a school trip to New Mexico. They set up excursion for us because we went with two other schools and there were probably about 80 students. One of the excursion we had a choice horse-back riding or white water rafting. While I was allergic to animals and choose to go rafting. I really enjoyed it and it wasn’t that rough at all. I remember coming back home and telling my mom what I did and she was shocked because I’m such a girly girl that the idea of getting wet would have been a no for me, but it was fun.


Thank you so much for stopping by.

I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Talk To Y'all Soon…



Thursday, June 27, 2024

Strawberry Lemonade

“When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste.” 

(Laiko Bahrs,)


Hello, my lovely friends!


          The other day we were out and about and made a stop at Arby’s drive-thru to bring something home to eat. When we drove up I saw they had a strawberry lemonade and thought how summer of a drink is that? Granted it probably has tons of sugar in it, but still I wanted to try it. It was yummy, but I knew I could make one for us without all the sugar.


Strawberry Lemonade

What you need

Lemons – 1 to 1 ½ cups of squeezed lemons

Splenda – 1 cup

Water – 8 to 10 cups

Strawberries – Handful of two crush them



1. In a measuring cup I squeezed a little over a cup of lemon juice. I don’t mind a little bit of a pucker with my lemonade, adjust to how much you like. (Don’t throw away the lemon wedges, put them in a Ziploc bag and keep them in the freezer) Weekly throw one down the drain and turn on the garbage disposal to keep the sink smelling fresh).


2. Add your lemon juice to a pitcher. Then add the Splenda and then the water. Mix that all together and you have some lemonade. Pour over ice and enjoy.


3. Take your few strawberries and add them to the cup that you will be drinking your lemonade out of. Cut up the strawberries into small pieces and add them to your glass. And crush them a bit. Add some ice and your lemonade and there you have a strawberry lemonade that is just a little bit fancy and so yummy!


          You could also change it up and add different berries in there. I think pineapple, peaches, mango, or cherries could work too. If you can’t do the lemons find a sugar- free lemonade mix from Crystal Light or Country Time now has a sugar-free version. Maybe add some seltzer water and have a fizzy lemonade drink.


Wish you all good fortune this day!

Thank you so much for stopping by. I wish you a good morning, afternoon or evening wherever you are.

Until next time… Adios!


Yesterday's Blog

Strawberry Lemonade

“When baking, follow directions. When cooking, go by your own taste.”   (Laiko Bahrs,)   Hello, my lovely friends!            ...

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