
Friday, March 7, 2025

Just the Facts #4

 “Part of the secret of success in life is to eat what you like and let the food fight it out inside.” (Author unknown)

Hello, my lovely friends!


    Its Friday Funday and that means another fact vlog.  Today’s blog into it because it’s about food. We all have our different things about food and that’s what Paula facts are about.


1.  Onions and I? We have a complicated history. Let's just say my introduction involved teething, a very well-meaning grandma, and a bulb of pure, pungent misery. Apparently, my sister fared no better with her steak-teething trauma. We're a family of uniquely specific food aversions, courtesy of our early dental development. You could say onions and steak are the battle scars of our baby gums!


2.  So, onions and I don't really get along. But, weirdly, I love French onion dip, those sour cream and onion chips, and a good onion ring. Thing is, if I bite into that ring and the onion tries to make a break for it, it's gotta go. Every. Single. Time. I know, it's a bit much, right?


3.  My Burger King ritual has been etched in stone since childhood: Whopper with cheese, onion-free, and a side of glorious onion rings. Yeah, I know, judge me. One day, waiting for my usual masterpiece, I heard someone call out the exact same order. Another dude stepped up, claimed it, and vanished. My friends, of course, declared I'd just lost my soulmate. Apparently, the perfect match is someone who shares my bizarre, onion-centric paradox. They're probably out there, somewhere, living my best, slightly confusing, fast-food life.


4.  Restaurant visits as a kid? Pure, unadulterated anxiety. The kind that knotted your stomach and turned food into a terrifying obstacle course. I'd navigate the menu, order something safe, and then spend the meal in a state of low-grade panic. The real magic happened at home. Suddenly, the same food I'd barely touched became the most delicious thing in the world. It wasn't the food, it was the atmosphere. My 'fancy' excuse was just a kid's way of saying 'I'm overwhelmed.


5.  My birthday ritual was a delicious double-feature. First, Mom would work her magic, crafting a steak and mac-n-cheese masterpiece at home. Then, the grand finale: a restaurant adventure. It was a wild swing from the comfort of home to the over-the-top theatrics of Casa Bonita or the seafood feast at Red Lobster. Basically, my birthday was a delicious study in contrasts.


6.  My mom taught me to cook, not through formal lessons, but by letting me be a constant presence in her kitchen. Watching her make tortillas was like witnessing magic, and I was determined to crack the code. That early curiosity turned into a teenage passion. Being the first one home meant I had the opportunity to experiment, which often involved calling my mom at work for real-time culinary guidance. It was an iterative process, a blend of observation, experimentation, and a lifeline to my expert.


 Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope your morning/afternoon/evening is extra cozy and delightful. Until our paths cross again!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

The Next Forty Days

 “Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.” (Author unknown)

Hello, my lovely friends, 


 Tomorrow marks the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday. I remember as a child, it was simply 'the day we gave up meat and something else until Easter.' With a day off tomorrow, I'm taking the opportunity to reflect and share my intentions for these next forty days now. 

    Lent is usually my 'give up pop' season, but this year feels different. My recent blood test results were a wake-up call, and I need to prioritize my health. So, instead of just pop, I'm making a serious commitment. I'm cutting out all caffeine—yes, even my beloved, cream-laden coffee—and breaking my late-night snacking habit. Those evenings spent blogging and munching on chips are definitely contributing to my health concerns. I'm confident that addressing these two areas will lead to real improvements, as my daytime eating is generally quite good.


    We've enjoyed a stretch of gorgeous, sunny days, but brace yourselves – winter's returning tonight. Expect snow and a sharp drop in temperatures, and unfortunately, we won't see a reprieve until the weekend. I know many of us will be impacted, so please prioritize safety and stay home if possible. I'm making a quick run for essentials like milk, then hunkering down for a few days.


    On a brighter note, I finally nailed that pizza I've been craving! It was a hit, and I also whipped up a healthy meal for my Scoots: beef meatballs with veggies and brown rice. Scooter, my curious kitchen companion, was right there for taste-testing, and he gave the meatballs a paws-up! Even my mom, a pizza skeptic, declared it my best yet. We made a sheet pan-sized feast, so we're set for a few nights. The aroma alone was enough to draw everyone into the kitchen. 


 Thank you for stopping by! Wishing you a day/evening/morning filled with sunshine, laughter, and perhaps a little bit of magic. Until next time, ta-ta for now!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Looking To The Future

 "Think back to the most important experiences of your life, the highest highs, the greatest victories, the most daunting obstacles overcome. How many happened to you alone? I bet there are very few. When you understand that being connected to others is one of life's greatest joys, you realize that life's best comes when you initiate and invest in solid relationships." ( John C. Maxwell)


Hello, my lovely friends!


    Tonight's entertainment is 'All About Eve' – a delightful blast from the past! I'm enjoying it while keeping in touch with Mike, who's working his night shift. Our routine is that I stay up until he gets home around 3am. Those late hours are my dedicated time for writing blogs, posting on Twitter, and indulging in a good film. It's my little slice of peaceful solitude. 


    I'd forgotten how brilliant this movie is! The sharp wit of the dialogue, the nuanced performances, and the timeless themes of ambition and jealousy are just as compelling today as they were decades ago. It's a masterclass in storytelling, and I find myself completely absorbed in the unfolding drama. Each scene is a carefully crafted gem, revealing layers of character and motivation. I'm reminded of why this film is considered a classic, a true testament to the power of cinema to captivate and provoke thought. It's the perfect companion for a quiet night, offering both entertainment and a chance to reflect on the complexities of human relationships. I'm thoroughly enjoying rediscovering its brilliance.


     Can you believe it's almost been a year with Mike? It's been a journey with its highs and lows, but we've always found our way through things together. I'm so grateful for that. Of course, you know me, I'm a big thinker! I've definitely spent time wondering about the long-distance aspect, but I'm also really hopeful about what the future holds for us.


     We've been talking a lot lately, and we're both really excited about what the future holds. We've made plans for him to visit in June, and my sister is planning to come out too, so she can meet him. After that, she'll be helping Mom with a trip, which will give us some wonderful time together. We're both really looking forward to building a future together, and I can't wait to see where things go.


 Thank you for stopping by! Wishing you a day/evening/morning filled with sunshine, laughter, and perhaps a little bit of magic. Until next time, ta-ta for now!








Yesterday's Blog

The Next Forty Days

 “Opportunity may knock only once, but temptation leans on the doorbell.” (Author unknown)   Hello, my lovely friends,     Tomorrow marks th...

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